--- gautam borad borad.gautam@gmail.com wrote:
My friends say its foolish of me looking for such a job and that i must take whatever job i get .
Incorrect. With the plight of service industry in India, I feel that they will all move to China (read my article on "Work in India" from my site: http://www.shakthimaan.com)
I am trying to build a database of companies working with GNU/Linux.
Check this:
http://www.shakthimaan.com -> Database
I also try to send info on recruits (under "Recruits") when I get to hear on such news.
When you want to work on something, you should pursue it irrespective of what the market is. Unfortunately, a majority of students in India don't pursue their dreams but fall into the trap of looking only at the current market.
Just my thoughts,
------------------------------------------------------------ Shakthi Kannan, MS Software Engineer, Specsoft (Hexaware Technologies) [E]: shakthimaan@yahoo.com [M]: (91) 98407-87007 [W]: http://www.shakthimaan.com [L]: Chennai, India ------------------------------------------------------------
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