At 04:47 even 9/4/02 +0530, TH wrote:
On Wed, 04 Sep 2002 15:05:35 +0530 Q u a s i wrote:
I still trip on winamp+tripex3 and surf the net with IE. (X-windows
suxx majorly.)
Hold it, hold it. Circa June 2000, my Gnome + Enlightenment desktop was a showcase that caused many a dropped jaws. I can any day say without hesitation that Gnome (haven't used KDE) is ages ahead of MS
We dont agree. I have had X all the time past 6 years. But I have always found it be a substandard, and a rather ad-hoc GUI. The need to keep it generic and portable has made the X architecture excessively slow. They are bring in (supposedly) cool things like DRI etc. we shall see... I have used Gnome (Xamian & otherwise) and it has definitely come a long way but it lacks smoothness and that crisp feel. First time I installed enlightenment and the bluesteel theme even my jaw dropped to the floor. But enlightenment has eye candy but is bulky and slack & I dont like nor need all those frills while working. Sawfish is fast but still not smooth enough. IceWM & FVWM2 were the best I have used. Windows 98SE is *way* faster and smoother and crispier (talking about the GUI only) especially when you take away the web integration. In the past 2 years I am using it I have got the arbit blue screen only 4 or 5 times. And I have hung my xserver as many times too. Whatever you use, you have to tweak it for better performance, aint it so dear Sir? We can all equally say {quote}"I'm sorry, you probably never tried to go beyond the default settings of your window manager."{/quote}
stuff even in coolness factor. I'm sorry, you probably never tried to go beyond the default settings of your window manager.
pluze ! presumptuous are we?
I've written somethings at
Excellent site design. I see that we have emacs in common at least!!!
in case you (or someone else) missed something about Linux GUI. AFA coolness is concerned
I will desist. :D
Uh, one more thing, visit in IE6 and Mozilla (> 0.9), spend a few seconds there and then tell us what you saw.
I dont need some site telling me which is better - I *use* IE6 and Mozilla 1.0 - Mozilla is good. Especially Galeon is very fast under Gnome (as it is Gtk based ?) and has all the advantages of the gecko engine of Mozilla. But I find IE6 is much faster/smoother for browsing. Before IE5 came out I used Netscape. IE4 or befor were OK, but IE5 onwards they are good. On my machine IE6 is as fast as Opera. IMHO the best browser for Linux is Links. :D
I love GNU/Linux (not X)
Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST)
quasi (A generally trivial nobody.)