On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 19:58 +0530, Dhawal Doshy wrote:
Philip Tellis wrote:
Sometime Today, DD cobbled together some glyphs to say:
i use fvwm.. you insensitive clod!!
if you use fvwm, you must have really thick skin. I don't believe insensitivity would get to you.
Umm no *that* was a joke.. i do not use fvwm (unless desperately forced to do so) and was a KDE user. Currently being an 'idiot user' i use gnome. It was Linus (and not me) whose quote was interpreted as 'GNOME users are idiots'.. http://lists.osdl.org/pipermail/desktop_architects/2005-December/000390.html
.. more flames please.
hey dhawal, looks like you got caught on your own trip wire. no harm done. :)