jtd wrote:
On Sunday 24 May 2009, Rony wrote:
jtd wrote:
On Sunday 24 May 2009, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
On Saturday 23 May 2009 23:37:58 Rony wrote:
> Given a choice between different software, companies will choose > software that is easier to deploy and maintain > some companies
many companies.
badly run companies.
I would not term them "badly" run - more like not IT savvy. Their core competencies are elsewhere and very many are excellent in their arenas. But not knowing facts about FLOSS makes them very vulnerable. Many try very hard to plug in the gaping holes with all sorts of hardware and software.
Its not about FLOSS or closed software but the ease at which the software can be installed and maintained by the user company.
Closed software is an absolute nightmare to maintain.. Even installation of something like AV is a major hassle (as witnessed by me, as a spectator). Reinstall - clash with another AV - uninstall both - reinstall, no go - call up vendor - appear mumbling idiot - uninstall - reinstall - ....... 2 days to install AV. AND in the end problems with ERP. BTW the first AV was a licenced version which failed to prevent some worm or the other. And (funnily) an older employee remembered that the 2nd one (now reincarnated) was dumped because of the same reason.
True. If an AV is compared to a security guard and the pc is the home, the older guards stood outside the house guarding it. Now the new ones want to enter every room, even the bedroom and God only know where else. ;-)
A developer cannot force a complex installation on the target company simply because a simpler method was not developed. The one who develops a simpler method will get more preference.
True. But "simpler" is a very relative term even within an os's reference frame. What matters more than anything else is stability.
Even if you had a one click install on doze, the OS limitations would trump any easy installation procedure.
Why should FOSS always get associated with something that is not easy to setup whereas doze automatically is assumed to be one touch? Why not have one touch installation in FOSS?