Abhishek Daga wrote:
I believe there was also a discussion to start a forum based on the lines of linuxquestions.org or similar where there would be multiple branches. I guess that was shot down too. With RSS, would having such a forum still be an issue for those who prefer things by mail (remember Philip commenting something to that effect).
This is the linux _users_ group of Mumbai not a linux tech support group. Lets keep the technical aparthied out. If any of the group members want to start a segregated group, they are most welcome but please don't touch this group.
As a policy to control flames, we can set a limit to the number of mails that indulge in flames, even per person and we can also have a list of preset official statements that only should be quoted as flames for every specific rule break. This will keep the personal comments out and cut down on the ego issues. Once an official statement is quoted, there should be no further discussion on it except allowing a reply from the OP.
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