On 14/10/06, Abhishek said:
Not to belittle anyone's efforts, as KG has obviously done some
splendid groundwork, >but for it to be a box office success, there needs to be a dedicated
team which will need to get paid.
correct! you have hit the nail in the head.
There can be guides, overseers, volunteers, helpers, but a dedicated
team needs to be >working on it full time and get paid at market rates.
that's exactly how it should be. afterall free means freedom and nothing else. talk about high quality programmers with an attitude to do some thing people will marvel at and appreciate, you get hundreds of such programmers who can work on market or slightly less than market rate for some days.
For this someone has to come up with a resource requirements list and
then put it >forward to the community who may choose to contribute towards it. yes, and contribution may be not just money, even some programming efords will be more than welcome.
Units can be A)Accountant B)Programmer C) infrastructure and with a
set timeline, an >opensource product can be achieved. yes why not. afterall there are big companies which base their business on free and open software.
Am sure there's a bunch of HNV individuals out there who wouldnt mind
contributing >big amounts provided they are shown a solid plan. that was what I was thinking as well. although we will find it a bit challenging to find some one to finance the project it will not be imposible. the problem lies in common questions every financer will ask us, "if your sorce is open, how do you plan to pay me back my money and profits". "every one will download your software for free!" Once this problem is over come and we find a nice means of convincing some financer to put in minimal finance, we can really make it a success.
Krishnakant has volunteered to be the pointman, which is great. Hope this time around, there can be a beta product by 2007 April and
hopefully a full >fledged app by 2008 april. yes indeed. Abhishek, this was one more necissity which you did not point out but is still available with us, your attitude. if we keep this attitude of having a deadline in a specified amount of time, we are already winning half the battle. The biggest reason why foss based projects fail is lack of time lines and project dragging in an infinite loop with people working in small groups here and there. I completely agree that we need a dedicated team to work on this project. and if I am the right pointer to point proper resources as Abhishek says, then we have the core ready by May 2007, take my word for that. *smile*. Krishnakant.