Amol Hatwar writes:
It's hight time all of us mailed Novell telling them _it's GNU/Linux_ and it is already a mature OS. So mature that it makes software companies are strangulate their own OS projects.
Why? Strangle the web with even more crap traffic? And thanks for the info....I did'nt know that software companies were so involved in rolling their "own OSes" me 5-10 for more enlightenment.
Or maybe we could all mail them saying that, "Geee you're right, Linux is immature. But hey! have you tried GNU/Linux... it's more powerfull than most Linuxes out-there".
And what might the difference between GNU/Linux and "most Linuxes" be?
This nomenclatural fight that seems to crop on giving proper "recognition" to GNU+Linux rather than just Linux seems to get a lot carried away at times. The whole purpose of the GNU project was to allow free source sharing, as well as a whole set of values. And not just crap hum-dum about what a particular group thinks should be the way that Open Source must be run. But as this GNU/Linux and Linux divide seems to grow, more and more people who write actual good code are in the news, and it is the zealots who seem to have more time to fight about "ideals" rather than write the code that has an even greater impact on Open Source and GNU....
Though what I said might sound harsh to some, it is said with due respect for people who have found the balance between promoting Open Source via Writing good software and promoting. My only problem is people who make these pompous statements which hardly sync with reality. But I guess they are just as entitled to their opinions and actions just as much as I am.
rgds --