The following two links give the comparision of various clustering/batch queueing technologies: 1) http://techreports.larc.nasa.gov/ltrs/PDF/tm109025.pdf 2) http://phase.hpcc.jp/mirrors/nhse/NHSEreview/CMS/index.html
We have setup a distributed computing environment as a part of our B.Eproject at KReSIT ,IIT Bombay using OpenPBS version 2.3.16. We have also added certain features to it.
OpenPBS originally developed by NASA is a very good option for setting up a cluster.
www.openpbs.org http://www.openpbs.org www.pbspro.com http://www.pbspro.com (commercial product based on OpenPBS)
- OSCAR is based on a older version of OpenPBS and combines some other tools with it : http://oscar.openclustergroup.org/ - OpenMosix is a linux kernel extension : http://openmosix.sourceforge.net/ - Beowulf is an approach for building clusters : http://www.beowulf.org/ - Maui scheduler : scheduler for PBS http://www.supercluster.org/ - LVS : http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/ - PVM and MPI are libraries - Globus grids: http://www.grids-center.org/index.asp
We have not not much worked on things other than OpenPBS. So our knowledge regarding them is limited.
This is our wiki , it contains some links ,setup instructions and some troubleshooting stuff . http://anikethp.freeserverhost.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
Regards, Saurabh Sajid Aniketh (Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering , Bandra)