2007/1/15, Vihan Pandey vihanpandey@gmail.com:
Join the Indian DRM Elimination Crew Now! http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Anti-DRM-Campaign
O.K, i'm in. By the way we have some Eliminate DRM stickers, similar to the one here :
Just add your name there (in the wiki) and stay tuned to the page for
updates. I have been translating some articles to malayalam about DRM stuff in Vista. It would be good if we can make these articles that explains DRM available in as many Indian Languages and in an easy to understand way. Also it is imporatnt to involve the mass media to reach out to more people.
I would suggest everyone who like to understand the issues to listen to the debate on DRM at Holland Open in which Eben Moglen clearly and beautifully expalins why we should oppose current DRM implimentations.
The video is available here http://www.rehash.nl/hollandopen/rawtapes/ho-license_drm/ho-license_drm.mp4
The common misunderstanding everyone has is that they think DRM is about music and movies and why should we, as software developers participate in the debate. As Eben explains, we are not talking about whether movies and music shoould be protected or not. But the way you do it -- to implement restrictions in the layer 7, application layer, they are locking down all the layers till the layer 1 or the physical layer (also called Treasures Computing though the proponents call it Trusted Computing)-- It hambers our rights to create and modify software.
Whatever be the logic to have the layer 7 lock down they are getting a zillion un intended results when they lock down till layer 1 and none of it is their legitimate business (they are not the ones who gets to decide what software I get to use on the computer which I own and I don't want my computer to trust someone other than me).
Cheers Praveen