There is a wiki article on the Aadhar UID project and has very little content on the risks of the current system. So add your inputs to it. Keep the temperature low.
On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 11:55 PM, jtd@mtnl.net.in wrote:
On Wednesday 30 November 2011 18:19:10 Rony wrote:
Not surprising at all. IMO, taking constructive feedback, especially that which highlights our mistakes, is not in our nature.
-- Arun Khan
On Thursday 01 December 2011 12:00:17 Arun Khan wrote:
In the case of the UIDAI. The first principles of it's foundation, social and political, are just plain rubbish. The second principles of biometrics is equal rubbish. It has to simply be scrapped. Which ofcourse would lead to many halos falling with a thud. Since it is public money, one can continue merrily and declare it a success, or rant about political interference and the system being crooked, hence even the "greatest" minds cant do anything. Our society will lap either up, as it scrounges the dregs for success stories or sock puppets.