--- raghesh a <raghesh_a(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 10:39:38 -0700 (PDT)
> From: raghesh a <raghesh_a(a)yahoo.com>
> To: fsf-friends(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> Subject: [Fsf-friends] invitation
> I am a student of MES College of Engg,
> Kuttippuram.
> Our association, Students Assocition of Information
> Technology(SAIT) wish to conduct an inauguration
> ceremony for this years activities on 8th Nov at our
> college. This letter is to invite any one person
> from
> your group to conduct a seminar on topic related to
> your working field. So we humbly request to accept
> the invitation.We expect a reply from you.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Raghesh A,
> Secretary,
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam
> protection around
> http://mail.yahoo.com
> _______________________________________________
> Fsf-friends mailing list
> Fsf-friends(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> http://mm.gnu.org.in/mailman/listinfo/fsf-friends
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.
Here is the list I mentioned in my last email.
I feel there are some tools missing in the list,but
its a moving target.Gnu programmers are so complusive.
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Express yourself with Y! Messenger! Free. Download now.
Hi Friends,
Can't anybody help Nithin-the Gnu Buff.
PS:Shamelessly x-posted
--- Nithin Navin <gnubuff(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> From: Nithin Navin <gnubuff(a)gmail.com>
> To: linux-india-help(a)lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: [LIH]Re: Contents of linux-india-help
> digest...
> Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 18:30:50 +0530
> sir
> iam very new to linux i have RH 9.0 installed on my
> pc.iam a engg
> stud studyin info-sci at pa college mangalore ,i
> have networkin proj
> this sem we have choosen to do voice chat over lan
> and i require help
> on this.i would be greatfull if some body offered an
> help
> gnubuff
> This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
> Sybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for
> LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best
> database on Linux.
> _______________________________________________
> linux-india-help mailing list
> linux-india-help(a)lists.sourceforge.net
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Read only the mail you want - Yahoo! Mail SpamGuard.
For quite sometime now, we are having problems
accessing the http://bangalore.gnu.org.in/ website.I
request you to kindly take time to resolve this
problem as much effort has gone into building the
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone.
Morning Friends,
There has been numerous threads on various
Fsf-India mailing-lists about the dormant Fsf-dev
list.Forgive me for bringing up this topic once
again,but lets at least try to do something about it.
Now,I see no projects/developers interacting on
ML, at least we can try discussing topic relating to
development issue or may non-programmer like me can
post wish-lists for future GNU tools/programs.
Any comments and ideas will be rewarded with a hot
cuppa of coffee.Ha,now am off to top off my caffine
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail Address AutoComplete - You start. We finish.
Hi Firends,
Well, gnu.org.in seems to be down from my end.
!ping guys
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
--- gudhkabhavesh <gudhkabhavesh(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
> To: blore-linux(a)yahoogroups.co.in
> From: "gudhkabhavesh" <gudhkabhavesh(a)yahoo.com>
> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 06:40:10 -0000
> Subject: [blore-linux] I was cheated Please help
> Dear All,
> Yes! They are cheaters. (Not all) I hope this will
> help me and other
> people too.
> I hope some of you might be able to help people like
> me by posting
> guidelines about selecting right service provider
> for website hosting
> and domain registration. If any one of you related
> with magazines,
> web hosting company please contribute by taking up
> such issues.
> Here is what happened to me.
> I am having a domain name and website hosted. I
> registered my domain
> name with reputed company and was promised for good
> service, max
> uptime, etc. etc.
> I got email from company that my domain name will
> expire in 7 days. I
> had already started process of getting it renewed by
> other service
> provider due to some reasons and better deal. I
> replied to notice
> (reminder) that I am not thinking of renewal now. I
> got call from
> company one day before expiry date. "tell me do you
> want to renew or
> not" (read those words. Can you talk to customer
> like this) I said I
> am not renewing from you because or reasons I have
> explained earlier,
> I have got my domain renewed by other company. And
> my website was
> shutdown.
> My domain was renewed by network solutions and I had
> checked also. I
> was not given control panel last time by earlier
> service provider. So
> he changed NS to his server and locked that domain
> name.
> I asked old service provider about change in whois
> record. He told me
> to renew with us then only you will get your name,
> and he refused
> about changes. He asked me to pay money otherwise I
> will loose my
> domain name. I told him you have cheated me. He told
> do what you
> want. You cant do anything because your domain name
> is gone now.
> I sent an mail to network solutions about case and
> requested to
> change whois records and give me control panel. It
> was done. Thanks
> to new service provider who helped me a lot.
> I am not disclosing name of service provider now. If
> you have faced
> such problem with any service provider please post
> it in room.
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Dear Friends,
You have phishing,so did but when it comes knocking
your door you will understand the __peril__.
Try to report any phishing emails you get to the
Anti-Phishing Working Group
To report phishing,just the forward the email to
Let make the net a safe place (..almost)
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Helps protect you from nasty viruses.
Morning Friends,
During this morning scroll thro the wild woods
(read 'The Net')I stumbled upon this funny strip, but
didnt' get why its funny.Help me out ;o(
Enjoy your weekend.
/\ \
\_| Rakesh 'arky' Ambati |
| Bangalore (INDIA) |
| Homepage: http://arky.port5.com/ |
| _______________________________|_
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
Surely most of you have seen this, but still...
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: [Fsf-friends] Asia Source: Tech camp for the voluntary sector
Date: Friday 22 October 2004 01:04
From: "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <fred(a)bytesforall.org>
To: fsf-friends(a)gnu.org.in
-- Asia Source: Tech camp for the voluntary sector
-- Bangalore, India. January 28th to February 4th 2005.
Asia Source hopes to bring together over 100 people from 20 countries
to increase the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) amongst
the voluntary sector in South and South East Asia.
This week long event will bring together NGOs and NGO technology
support professionals working at the grassroots level across the
region to learn new skills, exchange tips, and share experiences.
Together with regionally and globally renowned experts and specialists
they will look at the use of FOSS within the non-profit sector from
both an access and a content perspective. Offering participants the
opportunity to explore the practical technical side of FOSS whilst
providing a conceptual backdrop.
Asia Source will be the first event of its kind in the region, bringing
together regional non-profit professionals with a rights based focus,
it will invite those from both the technical and content end of the
spectrum to focus on the practical elements of FOSS deployment.
Participants with a range of expertise will be provided with a space
for intensive peer learning. They will be given the opportunity to
develop their understanding of FOSS, learn how to select and apply
alternative technologies, and be provided with the skills and tools to
utilise this within the context of their daily work. They will also be
encouraged to explore the challenges and the future potential of FOSS
adoption within the social context.
During this 'camp' style event, participants will take part in a range
of sessions. From planning and helping an NGO to migrate to FOSS, to
sharing tips and techniques on using FOSS tools for content
development, advocacy and campaigning. In parallel to this they will
look beneath user-level scenarios, and break-down tricky issues such
as localisation techniques and how to develop total cost of ownership
Four themes will flow throughout the event
1. 'FLOSSophy' for NGOs
2. Migration and Access
3. Tools for content and communication
4. Localisation
Asia Source will be held in a small artists community on the outskirts
of Bangalore. Its aim is to become a community building event, with the
potential to seed connections and future partnerships across borders
and between skillsets.
The event is co-organised by Mahiti.org (Bangalore) and the Tactical
Technology Collective (Amsterdam). The event is guided by an advisory
board of established non-profit and FOSS professionals from across the
South and South East Asian region. Asia Source belongs to a larger
family of Source Events that seek to increase the viability of FOSS use
by the non-profit sector. Other source events have taken place in South
East Europe, Southern Africa and are planned in 2005 in Western Africa.
For more information please visit
http://www.tacticaltech.org/asiasource or
Applications will be announced and invited between October and November
2004. Participants will be selected by the advisory board based on
their interest and experiences. There will be a small registration fee
for the event. A limited number of travel and registration fee
scholarships will be available and may be applied for on application.
If you would like to receive an application form or have any questions
please write to asiasource(a)tacticaltech.org.
Sunil Abraham, sunil(a)mahiti.org http://www.mahiti.org
314/1, 7th Cross, Domlur Bangalore - 560 071 Karnataka, INDIA
Ph/Fax: +91 80 51150580. Mobile: +91 80 36701931
Currently on sabbatical with APDIP/UNDP
Manager - International Open Source Network
Wisma UN, Block C Komplex Pejabat Damansara.
Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights. 50490 Kuala Lumpur.
P. O. Box 12544, 50782, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: (60) 3-2091-5167, Fax: (60) 3-2095-2087
sunil(a)apdip.net http://www.iosn.nethttp://www.apdip.net
Fsf-friends mailing list