Eben Moglen, the architect of the GPLv3 is in Bangalore on the 3rd and he
will be speaking at St. Joseph's college at 4pm. For details on the speaker
please check out the links. He is a brilliant person whom you should
definitely not miss. Please forward this to all and definitely do attend.
TOPIC: * "Freeing the Mind:*
*Free Software and the end of proprietary culture"*
Venue: Xavier's Auditorium, St. Joseph College, Lalbagh Road, Near Richmond
Circle, Bangalore – 1.
Time : 4.00 P.M on 03.06.2007, Sunday.
FREE SOFTWARE KARNATAKA Contact: Mr. Viju Krishnan, M: 94496 12237, Mr.
Jaykumar.H.S M: 94481 63453
Vikram Vincent
Dear Vijoo and Praveen,
On 22/05/07, Rahul De <rahul(a)> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I´m traveling right now and could not get to your mails sooner. I won´t be
> around till June 4, so can´t help with the organizing. If Sigma can handle
> this then it will be just fine.
> Sigma, please discuss with Prof Bandi or Prof Venkatagiri for help with
> arrangements.
Since St. Joseph's is a probable venue can you please follow up at IIM,
Bangalore as well. Perhaps we can enlist Srikrishna's help as well. I will
join you guys later.
Vikram Vincent
We will have two sessions (the status as of now) while Eben in
Bangalore, one in IIMB (still discussions going on, not confirmed) and
another at St. Joseph's. We need to figure out some important issues
(including funding). We are meeting at St. Joseph college, Shanti
Nagar tomorrow (23rd May) at 6pm.
See you there
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
Crushed by the Wheels of Industry
By Jeremy Allison, Special to ZDNet
Being the geek in the family can get you in trouble. I was sat at a
social function with my wife's friends, all happily chattering away in
Mandarin. I can barely count to ten in the language so meaningful
conversation is a little difficult unless it's about arithmetic. I got
bored, which is always a dangerous thing.
"My daughter has a new computer, would you help set it up ?" asked one
of my wife's friends. "I'd love to," I replied. Finally, something to
do that I would enjoy!
Full Story
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shashank Bharadwaj
Date: २००७ मई २० १४:०४
Subject: [bms-lug] Minutes of the discussion on "Understanding GPL version 3"
The minutes are posted on the wiki:…
If you are lazy to click the link I'll give the information here:
First up, of the 18 members registered on the wiki , only 9 turned up!!
Well these were some of the things that were discussed, if I have
missed something please feel free to add it.
Why a third version of GPL is needed.
How the GPLv3 will enable us (The Free Software Community) to stop
deals like the Novell-Microsoft ones.
Saw a video of Eben Moglen speaking on the Microsoft-Novell deal.
The importance of GPLv3 in Embedded Systems and in stoping DRM.
Briefly talked about the Campaign to promote free software in
Karnataka , going to our schools and persuading them to switch to Free
Decided that the BMSLUG has done enough of talking and that we'll do
some projects on GNU in our holidays in mid-July.
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Groups "bms-lug" group.
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പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
We are meeting this Saturday to finalise some short term plans for the
campaign. Sign up here…
If you would like to join the meeting.
Date: 19th May 2007
Time: 3pm
Venue: Cubbon park (Enter through the Victoria Statue at St Marks
Cathedral circle on MG Road, Walk straight in) - some one who came for
our earlier meetings please give a clearer picture.
* Which schools to contact (take up/assign coordinators for schools)
* Time line for coming up with content - possibility leveraging
from earlier experiences (IT@School in Kerala and Summer Camp 07)
* Forming of small follow up teams for each school
(add here anything you like to discuss) - please add it in the wiki itself
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
Most of you might already know that Eben Moglen will be in India from
June 1st to 10th. We might get a chance to have a session here in
Bangalore as well. Any suggestions on session topic, venue and date
would be nice. I had suggested a session on GPLv3 or a public session
like Freeing the Mind:
Let me know your suggestions.
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!