fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in wrote:
> In a major move, the B.Sc. Computer Science Dept. of CU has introduced
> Python, PHP, GNU/Linux administration into the syllabus. References to
> M$ and its office applications in the Computer Fundamentals paper were
> replaced by OOo.
> There is also a shift from Turbo-C to GCC and friends.
> Topics related to Free software and open standards have been introduced
> into the IT paper of BBM.
Congrats Vikram.. can you please share how you went about doing this (an
article/blogpost) and also share the syllabus?
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
In a major move, the B.Sc. Computer Science Dept. of CU has introduced
Python, PHP, GNU/Linux administration into the syllabus. References to
M$ and its office applications in the Computer Fundamentals paper were
replaced by OOo.
There is also a shift from Turbo-C to GCC and friends.
Topics related to Free software and open standards have been introduced
into the IT paper of BBM.
The Free Software based 'Moodle' - a learning management system(LMS)
is being implemented as a policy throughout the University in a phased
Debian GNU/Linux is being installed in at least one system per
department on
a trial basis and both teaching and support staff are being trained.
The creation of a Free Software Group is being planned as part of the CS
Dept. academic activities. FS based projects will be given to the
students for
These changes come after more than a year's efforts in convincing and
training the staff and students on Free Software.
Vikram Vincent
+91 9448810822
Original Post: https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=922951
Project page: http://sf.net/projects/kannada
The Kannada Localization project and Tech volunteers group from
sampada.net community (http://tech.sampada.net) is happy to announce
Debian Chiguru distribution CD release.
The team released this CD on 7th February, 2009 during the GNU/Linux
Habba version 3 celebrated at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte. This
distribution has add-ons for Kannadigas to read, write and work with
Kannada on their computer.
Chiguru is based on Debian Lenny. The distribution is to focus on
providing an improved distribution for Kannada users in particular, and
Indian language users in general. This release can be used either as a
live CD, or as an installer CD. GUI installer is available.
We have long term goals to develop this distribution to meet specific
computing requirements for Kannada users and Karnataka. We encourage
users to download, install/run Chiguru and send feedback to the
community. This would help us improve it, evolve it into a much useful
packaged distribution.
Visit Gnu/Linux habba official website: http://habba.in
For support requests or to get in touch with the Technical team, write
to us: tech-volunteers at sampada.net
Omshivaprakash, Release coordinator
"A well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds"
With Best Regards,
Omshivaprakash.H.L | ಓಂ ಶಿವಪ್ರಕಾಶ್ ಎಚ್. ಎಲ್ | ॐ शिवप्रकाश् एच्. एल्
Website : http://www.techfiz.info
Blog : http://platonic.techfiz.info
Phone: 91- 9902026518
AIM : fizworks
ICQ : 265216744
IRC : #techfiz server: irc.freenode.net channel: #linux-india
#ubuntu-in #gnu-india #kannada
FSF has released a press note to mark new direction and people tasked
with the end software patents project.
Excerpts follow:
By organizing this information and delivering it into the hands of
activists and law makers, we can form an immense tool to help existing
and future campaigns around the world -- Ciaran O'Riordan, Director
End Software Patents...
See https://www.fsf.org/news/endsoftwarepatents-phase-II for details.
Friends ... can any one suggest a real tiny linux which will run on the pic i had specified.
--- On Wed, 25/2/09, fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in <fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in> wrote:
From: fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in <fsug-bangalore-request(a)mm.gnu.org.in>
Subject: FSUG-Bangalore Digest, Vol 34, Issue 13
To: fsug-bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in
Date: Wednesday, 25 February, 2009, 6:30 AM
Send FSUG-Bangalore mailing list submissions to
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
You can reach the person managing the list at
When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of FSUG-Bangalore digest..."
Today's Topics:
1. End software patents - phase ii (Harish Singh)
2. GNU/Linux firms in Karnataka (vinay ?????)
3. Re: National Coalition for promotion of FOSS - meeting on
22.02.2009 (Vikram Vincent)
4. Re: Embedded Linux (Aanjhan R)
5. Re: GNU/Linux firms in Karnataka (Anivar Aravind)
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 15:46:03 +0530
From: Harish Singh <kumar.harish.singh(a)googlemail.com>
Subject: [FSUG-Bangalore] End software patents - phase ii
To: Free Software Users Group - Bangalore
Cc: fsf-friends(a)mm.gnu.org.in
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
FSF has released a press note to mark new direction and people tasked
with the end software patents project.
Excerpts follow:
By organizing this information and delivering it into the hands of
activists and law makers, we can form an immense tool to help existing
and future campaigns around the world -- Ciaran O'Riordan, Director
End Software Patents...
See https://www.fsf.org/news/endsoftwarepatents-phase-II for details.
Message: 2
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 20:06:24 +0530
From: vinay ????? <vinay(a)itforchange.net>
Subject: [FSUG-Bangalore] GNU/Linux firms in Karnataka
To: fsug-bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in
Message-ID: <49A405E8.8030904(a)itforchange.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Hi All,
We(IT for Change) are gathering data about all the firms which offer
GNU/Linux software development, support and training in Bangalore.We
want to put all this data in one place(online and maybe offline too) and
make it available to anyone who wants to use their services.
Do you guys know of any directory of GNU/linux firms which will have
details of these firms?
In case you do not know of any directory, can you please mail me details
of any firms you know which do GNU/Linux development, training or support?
Thanks a lot!
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 20:22:22 +0530
From: Vikram Vincent <vincentvikram(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [FSUG-Bangalore] National Coalition for promotion of FOSS
- meeting on 22.02.2009
To: Free Software Users Group - Bangalore
Message-ID: <49A409A6.2040708(a)gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Have the minutes of the meeting been put up anywhere?
Vikram Vincent
+91 9448810822
Message: 4
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 20:26:23 +0100
From: Aanjhan R <aanjhan(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [FSUG-Bangalore] Embedded Linux
To: anoopkrishnang(a)yahoo.in, Free Software Users Group - Bangalore
Cc: FSF KERALA <fsf-kerala(a)mm.gnu.org.in>, FSF INDIA
<fsf-india(a)mm.gnu.org.in>, FSF Friends <fsf-friends(a)mm.gnu.org.in>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Anoop Krishnan G
<anoopkrishnang(a)yahoo.in> wrote:
> Hello,
> Can any one help me with embedded linux .? I want to run LINUX based rtos
> PIC microcontroller , specifically DSPIC30F2012-301/SP , can any one help
> with this.
First, looking at the data sheet of the controller it is a 16 bit
system. I am not saying Linux cannot be run on 16 bit systems but its
better to look for other rtos if needed.
Secondly, it seems to have 2 KB of onchip RAM and 24 KB on flash. Well
the comments are obvious :-)
Lastly I am pretty curious why you would need a OS on such a
controller? If it is badly needed you might have to look for really
tiny RTOSes. Another option could be have a better controller attached
to the system and run the RTOS on it (This will be the master) and you
can interface this controller to it. This way you can design several
other peripherals also. If this is not the intention then you might
want to have a look at ARM based boards or even ATMEL AVR systems.
Thanks and Regards,
Message: 5
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 04:40:26 +0000
From: Anivar Aravind <anivar.aravind(a)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [FSUG-Bangalore] GNU/Linux firms in Karnataka
To: Free Software Users Group - Bangalore
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
It will be good if you can openup a wiki page in fsug-bangalore wiki for this
On 2/24/09, vinay ????? <vinay(a)itforchange.net> wrote:
> Hi All,
> We(IT for Change) are gathering data about all the firms which offer
> GNU/Linux software development, support and training in Bangalore.We
> want to put all this data in one place(online and maybe offline too) and
> make it available to anyone who wants to use their services.
> Do you guys know of any directory of GNU/linux firms which will have
> details of these firms?
> In case you do not know of any directory, can you please mail me details
> of any firms you know which do GNU/Linux development, training or support?
> Thanks a lot!
> Vinay.
> --
> Vinay Sreenivasa
> IT for Change
> 91-98805-95032
> vinay(a)itforchange.net
> http://itforchange.net
> http://india.is-watch.net/
> http://is-watch.net
> _______________________________________________
> FSUG-Bangalore mailing list
> FSUG-Bangalore(a)mm.gnu.org.in
> http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore
Sent from my mobile device
Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free
Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs.
Learning Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.
FSUG-Bangalore mailing list
End of FSUG-Bangalore Digest, Vol 34, Issue 13
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Hi All,
We(IT for Change) are gathering data about all the firms which offer
GNU/Linux software development, support and training in Bangalore.We
want to put all this data in one place(online and maybe offline too) and
make it available to anyone who wants to use their services.
Do you guys know of any directory of GNU/linux firms which will have
details of these firms?
In case you do not know of any directory, can you please mail me details
of any firms you know which do GNU/Linux development, training or support?
Thanks a lot!
Vinay Sreenivasa
IT for Change
Can any one help me with embedded linux . I want to run LINUX based rtos in PIC microcontroller , specifically DSPIC30F2012-301/SP , can any one help me with this.
Freedom Regards and Wishes,
Anoop Krishnan G
Share files, take polls, and make new friends - all under one roof. Go to http://in.promos.yahoo.com/groups/
Dear All,
Many of us have been advocating for several years the adoption of FOSS
applications and platforms and FOSS related advocacy has been gathering
momentum. Last year, we had an advocacy processes relating to software
patents and the OOXML debate, we had RMS and Eben Moglen visiting various
places in India sharing their views on FOSS.
Yet, we do have a long way to go before FOSS is widely used in India.
Bringing different groups of actors (who believe in the principles of Free
Software), including academic institutions, NGOs and CBOs, research and
advocacy groups, professional associations, FOSS enterprises providing
services in different areas as development, training, support and
maintenance, we believe will help in supporting and cohering a positive
discourse in favour of FOSS.
Some of us have been thinking that a loose national coalition of such
individuals/ organizations and associations should be formed that will work
towards the widespread adoption and promotion of FOSS. Such a network of
organizations working along a broad consensus on promoting FOSS will provide
stronger and more effective responses to events relating to FOSS as well as
initiate proactive actions than perhaps individuals or institutions acting
in isolation. We are writing to you all, to suggest a meeting to discuss
this idea of the coalition and thereafter also items for immediate action.
We would request you to join for a half-day meeting, on Sunday, the 22nd of
February to discuss the same.
Time : 3pm - 6pm
Venue : CIS office, Cunningham road, Bangalore, landmark – same building as
Wockhardt hospital
Map : http://tinyurl.com/apltcb
Present below is the proposed agenda for the meeting -
a. Formation of a national coalition of organisations advocating for FOSS.
The goals, scope, priorities, approaches, structures, issues / risks,
alternatives, resources for such a coalition etc, name of the coalition will
be discussed.
Some proposed activities which can be discussed -
b. Working with government departments and public sector units advocating
them to adopt and promote FOSS
When we individually speak to any of our contacts/departments in the
government the impact may not be significant. However, if we send collective
representations to departments such as the e-Governance, IT, Education, RDPR
departments, and seek meetings to explain the issue and the advantages of
FOSS, it would gradually help them to look at the issue in depth.
c. FOSS initiatives in the country, including the Gujarat ICT in schools
Many state governments across India are in different stages of adoptiong
FOSS (many on the extreme of not using FOSS!) and we can share our
understanding and views on the current situation. The Gujarat government for
instance is implementing a 500 crore ICT in school education program. They
are inclined to go towards FOSS, however the final decision has not been
taken yet. We need to look at ways so that they consider FOSS seriously.
There are also plans for a FOSS workshop in Delhi, where different groups,
including political parties and government officials could be invited and
disuss the advantages of adopting and promoting FOSS.
d. FOSS initiatives in Karnataka
There are some initiatives in Karnataka for which we can work together to
help in the adoption of FOSS.
We have an informal request for a proposal for a pilot project to train
government staff and vendor staff in Bangalore on GNU/Linux platform that
has been chosen for the ICT in schools program. We also need to work on the
issue of using Nudi on FOSS. A big impediment currently to getting the
government to use FOSS is be that 'Nudi' works only on MS Windows and does
not work on FOSS distributions. Lastly we should explore what could be done
to help VTU adopt FOSS and prefer it over proprietary technologies.
Engineering colleges adopting FOSS will make a huge impact on the creation
of the FOSS ecosystem in the state.
We can also discuss other means and methods which we can collectively work
on to promote FOSS.
Please do let us know if you can make it (so that we know how many chairs,
tea/coffee we need) Please mail vinay(a)itforchange.net to let us know. Please
also mail in with suggestions and ideas for the agenda for the meeting.
In case you are interested in participating in the coalition, but are
unable to join the meeting, please do email and let us know.
(On behalf of the organizers - Anivar Aravind, ,Gurumurthy K, Renuka Prasad,
Sunil Abraham, Vinay Sreenivasa)
Can any one help me with embedded linux . I want to run LINUX based rtos in PIC microcontroller , specifically DSPIC30F2012-301/SP , can any one help me with this.
Freedom Regards and Wishes,
Anoop Krishnan G
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