Those of you who are interested in hacking OpenOffice - this is something
you should not miss.
----- Forwarded message from eric.bachard(a) -----
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 12:26:07 +0200
From: eric b <eric.bachard(a)>
Reply-To: dev(a)
Subject: [dev-educ] [ClassRooms] First classroom on 7th of May
To: dev(a)
After some regular discussions with Vincent Vikram and Sankarshan
Mukhopadhyay on IRC,I think we can start the ClassRoom program we
scheduled some times ago.
Objective: help beginners willing to contribute, to discover the
development side of project, and try to solve, or at
least provide some light to : " What, Where, Who, How , Whom ask ..."
questions any newcomer asks.
The logs will be put on the wiki, thus all the community will be able
to access the knowledge, and I expect to see the developers I
contacted to confirm they will contribute.
Because this is the first one, we'll start with the beginning, and
I'll (exceptionaly) start myself the ClassRoom.
Proposed Date: Wednesday 7th of May 2008,
Hour : 11:00 ( Paris hour ) ~ 14:30 India hour ( i.e; Vincent
hour ;-) )
Mode: as IRC meeting. Server : Channel :
Content :
Part 1:
1) Discover the project
Other points, suggested by Vincent Vikram :
2) where is the code
3) I got the code ... now where do I start in the code ?
4) What do I need to know in advance
5) How good is the documentation documentation
Part 2:
Questions from the attendees
Part 3:
Round table with students, and developers, + define the agenda for
the next ClassRooms, including other questions to be prepared in advance
Suggestions ? Opinions ?
Last but not least, please note carefully:
- we have choosen the IRC way, because unfortunaly, not everybody has
a nice Internet connexion, with good bandwidth, and so on.
- if you have a proposal for a better way of communication, please
propose, and organize it !!
- Everything about the content (the log), and _after_ the
presentation (comments, additional links ..etc) will be on the wiki
- ALL contributions are WELCOME : means such thing will work if and
only if _several_ people join the effort and contribute, because we
have to do everything from scratch.
Action Item: can someone take over to announce the thing on the
Education Project Blog ?
Best regards,
Eric Bachard
----- End forwarded message -----
Vikram Vincent
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Edgar D' Souza <edgar.b.dsouza(a)>
Date: 2008/4/25
Subject: [ILUG-GOA] Monthly LUG meet - Sat 26th Apr
To: ilug-goa(a)
Hi all...
According to my Gnome calendar, tomorrow is the 26th of April, and the
fourth Saturday of the month... which means it's time for our monthly
meet-up! I expect that it will be at Science Centre, Miramar, as
usual, around 3.00 to 3.30 p.m.
I believe Stan Thomas is demoing the eye-candy WBar application as
part of his small talk on how he's using Linux on old hardware and not
only getting performance, but good looks as well (I mean the Linux
desktop, not Stan... ;-)
If Stan isn't demoing it, I can put in a couple of minutes on
wbarconf, a GUI configuration tool for wbar, which is incidentally
written in Python and GTK... and, if anyone's, interested, explain how
I used GIMP 2.4.2 to create some backgrounds for the wbar too. Unlike
Stan, I use wbar on Gnome, because I'm kind of addicted to Gnome :)
If anyone else has a small talk or demo to give, please do post in
reply, mentioning what you'll be covering...
ILUG-Goa's other mailing lists: LOW-VOLUME, ANNOUNCE LIST FOR NEWBIES TECH HELP LIST DEVELOPERS' LIST (RSS-based news from across India)
Frederick 'FN' Noronha | Ym/Gmailtalk: fredericknoronha | fred(a)
Independent Journalist | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9970157402
I need volunteers who would take a awareness class in linux at ITI - Kolar Gold Fields.
Topic to be covered :
what is open source?
what is linux?
what is GNU?
what is GPL?
Difference between Proprietary software & Open sources softwares ?
why we want to use open source software?
Benefits of open source software?
I welcome if someone takes awareness class in kanada.
Classes to be conducted on 28.04.08 at ITI - Kolar Gold Fields.
Maximum 2 Hrs.
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This time around 2 Bengaluru hudugas got selected for Google Summer
of Code. Congratulations to both Santhosh Vattam and Madhusudan, both
from BMS.
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
Which project do you currently contribute to?
I am a Debian Developer and I am currently maintaining about 135
packages in Debian. This is my Debian QA page where you will find the
list of packages I am currently maintaining in Debian:
Apart from Debian I have been contributing to many open source projects:
1) I am author of open source project python-gastables: python modules
for compressible gas flow calculations: Homepage:
2) I am also author of Krickscore - KDE applet for cricket scores.…
3) I have been contributing to Jajuk - Advanced Juke box project,
where I am working as a Developer and Debian package maintainer.
4) I am also currently maintaing pidgin-festival ( formerly knows as
festival-gaim). I rewrote festival-gaim to make it work with the new
pidgin API. Homepage:
How does it feels to have two DDs from neighbouring rooms?
(Kumar Appaiah stays next to my room)
It is a big advantage having him next door because we get to learn a
lot from each other. Usually there is a lot of activity going on in
Debian, and it becomes very difficult to keep track of things; having
another DD next door really helps a lot to catch up with action.
Read More about Varun at
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
hi !
Last week I met the principal of ITI - Kolar Gold Fields, they are
interested to learn more on linux. How to arrange classes in Kolar Gold
fields .
Location : Govt. ITI , Kolar Gold Fields, Karnataka.
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use , disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message(S).
The Norway Vote - What really happened
"The process which led to Norway's Yes vote on OOXML was so surrealistic
that it deserves to be recorded for posterity. Here's my version of the
It is not impartial. I was the Chairman of the Norwegian mirror committee
for SC34 (K185) for 13 years until resigning a couple of weeks ago in
protest against Standard Norway's decision to vote Yes. On the other hand, I
was present throughout the whole process and have more first-hand knowledge
of what went on than anyone (excepting two employees of Standard Norway).
Here I describe the fateful meeting on Friday March 28. More background will
Read more at...…
Vikram Vincent
Kumar Appaiah (ILUGC Member and Final year Dual degree student, EEE
Dept, IIT-Madras) is the 5th Debian Developer from India.
Other 4 from India are
Ganesan Rajagopal, Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan in Bangalore.
Kapil Hari Paranjape in Institute of Mathematical Sciences Taramani.
Varun Hiremath, student of Aerospace Engg. at IIT Madras.
Congratulations Kumar. It is a great boost for the Debian community in India.
പ്രവീണ് അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്
<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What use is a phone call, if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)
Join The DRM Elimination Crew Now!
Let us celebrate this next
----- Forwarded message from Omshivaprakash <omshivaprakash(a)> -----
From: Omshivaprakash <omshivaprakash(a)>
To: Principal Support List of FSF-India <fsf-friends(a)>
Subject: [Fsf-friends] GNU/Linux Installation festival in Bangalore
"No more *Virus,* No more *crashes* and no more *Blue screen of Death!*"
A* GNU/Linux Installation* *festival* dubbed *GNU/Linux Habba* has been
planned on *Saturday,* *April 26th, 2008.*
*We will: *
1. Help you install GNU/Linux on your Laptop/Desktop.
2. We will show you how to type in Kannada and configure, optimise
your system for Kannada.
3. If you bring an empty CD, we'll copy your favourite distribution on
it for you*. (And this won't be piracy! You're also free to distribute
4. We will answer all your questions related to Kannada on GNU/Linux
to the best of our knowledge.
*Venue*: *SERC, Indian Institute of Science. *
More info at:
and few more articles are here:
*Online Registration:*
*Off-line Registrations:*
Call or SMS:
9945270698 Hari Prasad Nadig
9902026518 Om Shiv Prakash
9740322699 Srinidhi N Iyengar
*Lastly, who is organising this?*
A bunch of human GNU/Linux enthusiasts and volunteers from Sampada
- Sampada Team
"ಹೊಸ ಚಿಗುರು ಹಳೆ ಬೇರು"
"A well-directed imagination is the source of great deeds"
With Best Regards,
WebPage :
Phone: 91- 9902026518 / 9343726518