Dear Friends,
I noticed some discussions in this list about fixing one day for
usergroup meeting. I think this is a good suggestion . What about
fixing every 3rd Saturday as Gnuz Gracing meeting date (but no need of
a fixed venue, that we can discuss & fix on the list) . Then we can
include it in the development calender, which will help us to get more
participation of n00bs.
What you people think about this ? Or any other day?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Secretariat, OpenSpace <office(a)>
Date: Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 7:16 AM
Subject: request for info: bangalore development calendar
Dear Anivar, Lawrence, Santhosh
Hello again,
Here is the bare bones development calendar for Bangalore. It is a
modest effort to share information about events/programmes planned in
If you would like to share your open programmes (FOSS, VIBGYOR or
anything else that you know of in Bangalore), please update this and
send it to office(a)
We will then circulate it on invites(a) to a larger
audience. It could be updated and circulated periodically.
1. Please fill up with other occasions that we could celebrate and/or
organise together in Bangalore. Please mention your organisation and
contact details (email and/or phone) after the date and occasion.
2. If the information is wrong, please update, edit or modify as required.
3. If you want your organisation and contact details to be removed,
please do let us know.
4. The monthly ABC meetings are to share information. If you would
like to be part of the effort please add your organisation name at the
end of this mail.
Do circulate this to others who might be interested.
best wishes
3 Bangalore Platform on Climate Change (CED)
4 What's happening in Bangalore (ESG)
21 ABC Meeting (URC)
23 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
25 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
August (1=Sat)
8,9 Namma Jathre (SJC, tentative)
25 ABC Meeting (URC)
27 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
29 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
29,30 Namma Jathre (SJC, tentative)
Sept (1=Tue)
22 ABC Meeting (URC)
24 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
26 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Oct (1=Thur)
10 Campaign for Electoral Reforms in India Round Table (CERI, CI)
27 ABC Meeting (URC)
29 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
31 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Nov (1=Sun)
6 Civil Society Summit (ABC)
7,8 CERI Karnataka (CERI, CI and others)
24 ABC Meeting (URC)
26 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
28 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Dec (1=Tue)
12 Inter-school Human Rights Day Celebrations (MF)
22 ABC Meeting (URC)
24 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
26 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
2010 Jan (1=Fri)
26 ABC Meeting (URC)
28 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
30 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Feb (1=Mon)
23 ABC Meeting (URC)
25 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
27 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Mar (1=Mon)
23 ABC Meeting (URC)
25 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
27 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Apr (1=Thu)
19 ABC Meeting (URC)
22 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
24 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
May (1=Sat)
25 ABC Meeting (URC)
27 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
29 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Jun (1=Tue)
22 ABC Meeting (URC)
24 RTI Press Conference (CfAR)
26 RTI Clinic (URC/ACF)
Regular Monthly Programmes
1st Saturday Nature Outing (HU)
2nd Saturday: Right to Information Forum meeting (KK)
3rd Saturday Nature Trail (NC)
Tuesday before last Saturday: A Bangalore Collective Meeting (URC)
Thursday before last Saturday: Right to Information Press Conference (CfAR)
Fourth Friday Bangalore HIV AIDS Forum (BHAF)
Last Saturday: Critical Mass Bicycling (MR)
Last Saturday: Right to Information Clinic (ACF, SM)
Contact Details
ACF (Anti-Corruption Forum) acfanand(a)
BHAF (Bangalore HIV AIDS Forum) Manjula.K(a)
CED (Cenre for Education and Documentation) cedban(a)
CERI (Campaign for Electoral Reforms India) ceri.reds(a)
CfAR (Centre for Advocacy and Research) cfarbangalore(a)
CI (Context India) pradeepesteves(a)
ESG (Environment Support Group) esg(a)
HU (Arun Hasiru Usiru)
KK (Kria Katte) Anil_crp(a)
MF (Mithra Foundation) mithra95(a)
MR (Mayank) mr.mynk(a)
NC (Nature Club) itnatureclub(a)
REDS (Rural Education and Development Society) jothiraj12(a)
SJC (Geeta, St Josephs) geethaim(a)
SM (SICHREM) manorights(a), contact(a)
URC (Urban Research Centre) gururajabudhya(a)
A Bangalore Collective Meeting (Name to be decided) consists of the
following organisations and campaigns. You are encouraged to join.
So far:
ACF, CED, CERI, CfAR, CI, Mithra Foundation, NAPM-K, OpenSpace, REDS,
"The resources of the world are for us all to share. Let us affirm our
faith in that common cause" - Dr. Ilina Sen