science and technology are the results of human advancement. It shall ultimately serve the humanity and none else. The science confined to the realm of materials and nature limits our understanding. Science when applied to the social conditions, knowing as to what the society is, how it functions, changes etc. we will be able to know how we can shape it positively. If Engineers apply these understanding of the society in the given conditions, they will be helping the people to advance their lives on the ground. The social science which is grounded firmly in people's interests understand all these. Just to make one concept understood: Pleease consider the fact that normally any instrucment of production will be usefull to the society for it helps production of goods (and services) better for the society. However one set of instruments of production, i.e.the instruments with which war is waged, does destroy in the war very many goods produced, human lives, etc. Yet, wars and co nquests have also contributed to social advancement. The use of science and technology for `destructive' war efforts were also used for the technology to be used for `wrong' purpose. Yet, society marched on. Very many scientists who shaped the world joined the peace campaign for these reasons. Einstein & Lineus Pauling etc are among those greats. We shall learn the Science and Tech nology of social science as well. Practice of these will better our social engineering to merge with phisical engineering and help the society to advance better. Let us know that it was Soviet Union that first developed tractors, first built metro, first sent a satelite around the earth, first to put a man into space, first to liberate that part of man kind. But how they lost is in loosing the competition to develop science and technology. The antisoviet camp not only developed present S&T revolution, but also scuttled the S&T revolution that could occur in soviet union. This was done during Kruschev Times and finally accomplished the dismantlement during Gorbachev time. Therefore the question before every socially concious engineer shall be, hiow to accomplish the S&T revolution, i.e. to shape it in the interests of the society. That is being the goal of FUSG -Bangalore victory shall be of the people whose living shall soar to greater and greater heights. VJK Nair
On 10/21/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
--- Vikram Vincent wrote:
"And somewhere there are engineers Helping others fly faster than sound. But, where are the engineers Helping those who must live on the ground?"
I know not who wrote these lines,I would like to point out that English language (like many other language) has a positive and negative way of expression[1]. I think this quote is good example of the later.
It is not a good thing to succumb to pessimism however worse things are. Technology (science in general) has always worked for the betterment of mankind. On a recent visit to a hospital I cherished the fact that the simple concept of sterile environment have saved millions of lives including mine and yours.
Perhaps another example of Indian space programs would be more apt, the light-weight composite materials which are used as heat insulators or for structural design of launch shuttles and missiles is now used to make artificial limbs for children. They weigh few kilograms lighter than the previous models.
Also as a common man it is possible to invent or discover with 10 grade science text book knowledge. Put your brains into it perhaps you can help those who live on ground.
[1] I don't remember quite well, but for example to say 'The only thing that is achieved without hard work is failure' is negative structure. The other way conveying the same message is to say 'Hard work is keystone to success".
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