On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com wrote:
"Web-based programs like Google's Gmail will force people to buy into locked, proprietary systems that will cost more and more over time, according to the free software campaigner" Read more here.
I can certainly agree what giving away one's data to a third party agency for storage and protection is not always wise.
Just yesterday at work, I had a discussion (status check, actually) with my senior colleague on how we're going to move away from Lotus Notes and Domino, and move to Kolab for our email needs. We've got started some weeks ago with understanding how Kolab works and are busy fixing and testing issues with Kolab and various IMAP and non-IMAP capable mail clients. Our top fixes are focussed on X.509 security issues.
We have used Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino for years. Most of our users have detested the Lotus Notes interface. The Lotus Domino sever is extremely stable, scalable and managable, but we now feel the need to have mail stored in a format that will not be tied by with any specific company's closed technology. Also, we've had issues with email client interoperability with Lotus Domino.
We've evaluated Kolab, Scalix, Zimbra, and Zarafa. The enterprise grade features of all except Kolab costs thousands of dollars per year for us - a trap that we don't want to fall into. Kolab is what we've selected, and our patches and fixes will all go upstream. There's nothing to showcase to anyone right now, because all progress is still in terms of exploring, understanding and configuring.
-- Vikram Vincent +919448810822 http://swatantra.org/
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