Wisdom dawns, but typical.Share when weak.but the moment strong build walls (IPR, TRIPS, TRIMS etc etc)They must be frightened that they have fallen so far back in innovation that they need to cooperate once more.One more for the free/copy left movement.Edwin Original message From:renuka prasad< renukaprasadb@gmail.com >Date: 09 Oct 08 22:58:23Subject:[FSUGBangalore] Science progresses only if knowledge is shared says US dept of energy ( Office of Scientific and TechnicalInformation)To: "Principal Support List of FSFIndia" , "Free Software Users Group Bangalore" An interesting message To make great discoveries, researchers need scientific information, and they need it fast. Through a suite of innovative tools and resources, OSTI works to ensure scientists and the American public can readily find and share research so that science can advance. This requires expertise andinnovationinboth knowledge management and knowledge diffusion, critical components of the nation's science cyberinfrastructure.to read more check the link below http://www.osti.gov/innovation/