On 7/5/06, Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Dear all,
We need to speedup conference related activities. We have just two months. I suggest the team from user group organising the event must meet regularly an plan activities. Some of the task to be done are.
- Updating website with new program (Abhas)
- Putting up a form on the site for registration (any takers ?)
- Drafting announcement for mailing lists (Media group to be formed
quickly, Arky can you help ?) 4. Announcing to lists (any takers ?) 5. Following up on sponsorship (Any takers ? Pravin can you help here ?) 6. Invitations to Speakers 7. Making speakers list. 8. Printing/Designing conference letter pad, posters and other materials. 9. Budget preperation (Abhas) 10. Logistics management team.
o Let's call up for volunteers locally in Bangalore, also see if any IIMB students can volunteer, we can break up tasks in teams. Putting up an volunteer page on the website can help.
o FSF- India Working group, can prepare a draft for a press release
o Speaker invitation, try to get some senior officials, present from the ministry, where free software has been succesful. (kerala, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh). PMO and President's Office has good people.
o In case of speakers/participants from other countries[Latin American, europe....] We need to provide conference invitation, to speed up their visa process, Some info/template on that can be put up on the wiki.
I think if possible, the team locally can meet up on a regular basis ( Arky, Pravin, Abhas, Vikram Vincent, Thjesh GN, Sankarshan) Did I miss anybody from the list?
Regards --- Ramakrishna Reddy GPG Key ID:31FF0090 Fingerprint = 18D7 3FC1 784B B57F C08F 32B9 4496 B2A1 31FF 0090