Hi! Arun,
This Jhinuk. I used to write for Linux For You. Currently, am with Times of India. Can be of any help?
On 7/5/06, Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Dear all,
We need to speedup conference related activities. We have just two months. I suggest the team from user group organising the event must meet regularly an plan activities. Some of the task to be done are.
- Updating website with new program (Abhas)
- Putting up a form on the site for registration (any takers ?)
- Drafting announcement for mailing lists (Media group to be formed
quickly, Arky can you help ?) 4. Announcing to lists (any takers ?) 5. Following up on sponsorship (Any takers ? Pravin can you help here ?) 6. Invitations to Speakers 7. Making speakers list. 8. Printing/Designing conference letter pad, posters and other materials. 9. Budget preperation (Abhas) 10. Logistics management team.
Please comment.
regards arun.
FSUG-Bangalore mailing list FSUG-Bangalore@mm.gnu.org.in http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore