evening people
@arky- actually a lot of real hackers(the ones defined by eric raymond) do get really frustrated when they hear about mr.fadia, so this was a just a treat coming up for them to cool them down!
regards, nirmal thacker
On 4/6/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com wrote:
--- Nirmal Thacker nirmalthacker@gmail.com wrote:
howdy guys,
thank you for starting this topic.As you know the same seminar was held at BMS college on tuesday this week!
Hey Nirmal, none of us didn't knew about this event by the Grandmaster of the House of Ethical Hackers. Chaa' I missed great a chance of hearing his holiness.
Its seems the hype around this guy started with the news FBI or CIA approaching him to decrypt a graphic image found an Al Quida terrorist's laptop.[1]
Well, There are many basic flaw's in this story.
First, if any national or international clandestine organization is vetting you for a job, no one including yourself will know it.
And say they gave some classified material to work on they won't let you have it just like that and let the world know that you are working or worked on it.
Ok fine let's assume this guy got this job., we only have his word that he successful broke the encryption. The FBI/CIA is not gonna tell us whether this guy broke it or not. Isn't it.
Next time someone gives a talk in BMS, I'll request them to explain the difference between a hacker, cracker and script-kidddy
Nirmal Thacker ji, I didn't understand what meant when you invited the __frustrated__ hackers.
ps: for all you frustrated real hackers i have a treat for you!... utsav is an inter-collegiate festival held in bmsce which most of you must have heard of. this time however im handling a hacking event, which has never been held before (at least at bmsce)!... it will consist of 3 rounds. a written round, followed by an info gathering round and the last level which will test your real skill!(im not gonna tell you that am i?). you will work on a linux distro and you can use any tool you wish. come on fellas... lets do some real stuff...hoping to see you guys there!
[1] Story published in a national weekly magzine and a computer magzine based in India.
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