On 10/07/06, Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Lots of issue still left unaddressed.
- Website - any takers ?
- Press release - Arky is expected to send this to us today.
We need to have a "Meet the press" program pronto else event will become exclusive instead of inclusive. Press club of Bangalore is an ideal location for this and cost between Rs.700-!000/ only.
4. Bank account - immediate.
Two or three people need to take charge for this. Nominees please.
5. Sponsorship - nothing will work with out this, a sad reality.
Have we a list of companies we can contact? If yes, then with an appeal letter from the President/Secretary of the Preparation committee we can approach them in a team. Question: Do we have a formal conference organising group in Bangalore? If no, then we need to get one immediately. Regards Vincent Brief summary of "GPLv3 conference preparation meeting". Meeting was at Deeproot Linux office. Attended by Abhas, Praveen, Philip, Dinesh, Issac, Thejesh, Vikram and One person whose name I can't remember(sorry). Arun M. joined us on the speaker phone.
- Travel arrangements, accommodation-Thej, Infy
- Invitations.
- Media Coverage, press release.
- Opening a bank account for conference purpose. Must elect a
President and treasurer for this purpose(necessity).
- Open lecture by RMS on 22nd. venue information necessary-Vikram,
- Video clip on introduction to FSF must be prepared for
presentations with prospective sponsors.
- Call for paper presentations on second day-Dinesh.
- Live questions to conference over dedicated IRC channel.
- Call for volunteers.
- Break up of labour(must be chalked out).
- technical back up-Thej, Praveen A
- Campaign material, merchandise, etc..
GPLv3-Conference mailing list GPLv3-Conference@mm.gnu.org.in http://mm.gnu.org.in/mailman/listinfo/gplv3-conference