On Friday 07 July 2006 03:10 PM, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
The Following is a tentative schedule, we can initially meetup and then, looking at the weather conditions, we can either go to Cubbon Park, and meet up at our usually place
Koshy's would be quite crowded and noisy on Saturday evening. Its better to find another place where we can discuss without resorting to shouting over the chatter.
You're right, Arky! We didn't have a very good experience last time as well.
Lets meet up at our usual place at Cubbon park and have a discussion. How many of us are coming? I'll get a whiteboard as well so that we can use it for discussions and note-taking. Also if our number is not too large (say about 12 people), we can also meet up at our office. It'll not be a problem at all.
Here a loose agenda for today's meetup would be to volunteer to handle the responsibilities. Please do add to this if I've forgotton something:
* Conference promotion
* Fund raising (we already have some sponsors in Intel & FSF - Boston but would need more)
* Technical stuff (like forms on the website for registration, setup of a GNU/Linux machine for live video capture and steaming etc.)
* Sending out invitiations
* Preparing / procuring merchandise for the event (kurtas, CDs etc.)
I think Arun will also join us over the phone.
So - shall we meet up at 4:30 PM at Cubbon Park?
Cheers, Abhas.