Hi Arun!
On Monday 10 July 2006 12:47 PM, Arun M wrote:
- Website - any takers ?
Praveen and Thejesh will take care of the web site as also any other technical requirements.
- Press release - Arky is expected to send this to us today.
Arky - can you send a draft to the list? Dinesh and Thejesh also volunteered to help freeze the draft so that we can start using it asap.
- List of invitees - is there any one to help ?
Here is how we can step through this:
0. Freeze on the program so that it can be included in the press release. At least we should know the major topics of discussion. Once we have this we will also know whom to invite for which session.
1. Get the press release ready. The same can also be used to prepare a PDF note that can be used to invite people over email or postage invitations. This will be very important to invite people.
2. Identify foreign invitees so that we can ask IIMB to issue letters to them separately.
3. Based on the above, we can draw up a list of organisations / individuals who we need to formally invite.
- Bank account - immediate.
- Sponsorship - nothing will work with out this, a sad reality.
There were two offers in the meeting:
1. Thejesh volunteered to ask Mahendra (who works with him at Infosys) to see if they would be interested in sponsorship. If there is some interest from them, then I can get involved in this and follow it up.
2. Praveen also said that he will contact HP and see if they are interested in the sponsorship.
If none of these work out, then we can approach others as well. I personally don't have contacts here. If anyone will be kind enough to point out potential sponsors, Shivanand (my colleague) and I will be glad to call / meet people to get sponsorship for the event.
Meanwhile, we'll get back to you on the Travel Agent status by today. Shivanand will email you separately once we get a confirmation from the Travel Agent.
Regards, Abhas.