On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind@gmail.com wrote:
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Nagarjuna G nagarjun@gnowledge.org wrote:
On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 13:47 -0500, Hackerdom wrote:
Hi All,
India's first Freedom Toaster finds a spot at Insignia 3.0- Hackerdom as one of our major attractions.
If we want to install it in Mumbai or in other parts of India, what is the investment required.
AFAIK The Investment of ZYXWARE friends was Volunteering on Software Design & Building Kiosk + painting it + around 25K for Hardware .
I am ccing Anoop john. Also see the page http://freedomtoaster.in/content/need-toaster
I personally feel, it is good if we get some banks to supporting the project to install Freedom Toaster in IT Parks & Colleges with a Debit/Credit card payment facility. Free Software is anyway not Free Meal
FSUG-Bangalore mailing list FSUG-Bangalore@mm.gnu.org.in http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore
-- Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs. Learning Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.