2008/11/29 Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com:
The mails I had posted in response to the statement by the FSF-I Board on the FSF-friends and FSUG-Bangalore mailing lists have been vandalised. See http://mm.gnu.org.in/pipermail/fsug-bangalore/2008-November/002447.html http://mm.gnu.org.in/pipermail/fsf-friends/2008-November/005788.html
I am CC'ing all the currently listed list admins and RMS. To whoever did this: You cannot silence our voices by simply deleting mail content.
Please rest assured, there is no conspiracy involved. All the email postings to this mailing list are completely unmoderated, and your views delivered to the list subscribers the moment mailman receives it. So, a vandal would achieve little by editing web archives.
The post you mentioned is preserved in the list mbox intact the way you sent to the list. If mailman(or its archiver) is acting up across several other lists hosted on this server, we'll get that fixed.
Meanwhile, may i advice you to NOT use funky text format while sending emails to the list? Pipermail archiver has to get rid of the fancy html formatting while generating web archives.