On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 4:07 PM, sandeep sr sandeep.sr78@gmail.com wrote:
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 1:55 PM, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com wrote:
Free Software Movement itself doesn't seem to be a democratic movement. It is a highly biased movement with a strong political statement on freedom of computing in particular and freedom of knowledge in general.
Free SOftware Movement is not a monolithic entity based on any democratic principles. Rather, it is a diverse group of organisations and indivuduals with widely varying philosophy but sharing some common thoughts and FSF India, FSF or any other related orgs does not represent or can claim to represent all the "Free Software Movement".
I think FSF India follows the similar structure as that of FSF of which Eben was a board member for a long time.
Since FSF itself is an undemocratic organization and RMS being its head a dictator, it'll be proper for a die hard freedom fighter like you to boycott all his programmes and instead conduct some awareness programmes to enlighten people about the damage he is doing to the cause of democracy and freedom.
Quoting from RMS Essays :
Chapter 20 ; Page 176 ; para 3 Regarding calling GNU system as linux system
They still wouldn't have to agree with us. But at least they'd see a reason to take it seriously, to think about it carefully, to give it a chance. They would see how it relates to their lives. If they realized, "I'm using the GNU system. Here's the GNU philosophy. This philosophy is why this system that I like very much exists," they'd at least consider it with a much more open mind. It doesn't mean that everybody will agree. People think different things. That's okay–people should make up their own minds. But I want this philosophy to get the benefit of the credit for the results it has achieved.
-- Sandeep _______________________________________________ FSUG-Bangalore mailing list FSUG-Bangalore@mm.gnu.org.in http://mm.gnu.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fsug-bangalore