Here is the report on Eben Moglen's speech at the event organized by Kannada Bloggers
Professor Eben Moglen, professor of law and legal history at Columbia University and is the founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of Software Freedom Law Center, spoke on the topic free software in new media on last Saturday 13th December at the Institute of Agricultural technologists, Bangalore. There was an audience of around 80 people. Apart from Professor Eben Moglan, Jayakumar from Kannada bloggers and HP Nadig from sampada.net also spoke at the event.
Here are the excerpts from Eben Moglen's speech:
*The free software and the emerging new media is reducing the significance of the conventional media where the communication was only one way. Wikis are allowing people to share and collaborate knowledge and thus allowing interaction and direct communication. Eben explained how he use Wiki to teach students and the way it improves the interaction between students and teachers and how it helps to improve teaching. It is emerging as an alternative to the traditional examination system. He also explained an instance where the Wiki helped a researcher from Europe to collaborate with students in Columbia University. *
*He quoted the Wikipedia model where people write content and collaborate to improve it rather than the traditional model where the editors had a significant role in choosing the content. In the Wikipedia way, people collectively acts as watch dogs to check the accuracy of content. *
*While talking about blogs, Eben said that blogs provide a platform for users and freedom to express. When bloggers express and share the knowledge they gained through vast reading and research through blogs, it benefits the society in a significant way. *
*He also added that the w3c consortium is working on including audio and video files in HTML 5.0 in such a way that a user can use them using a browser without downloading any plug-ins. You would be able to include multimedia files just using HTML tags like <audio> and <video>. He emphasized that the major obstruction to this was not the difficulty in using or developing the technology, but the patents and the copyrights which were making it hard to include those new advancements. *
* The major obstruction was the proprietary use of multi media codecs.Once codecs are available, it will revolutionize the way video is transmitted through the web. Then we don't need television as people will express content through multi media and everyone will be able to watch and listen to the content without any plug-ins. The free software and the new media is putting every one in the drivers seat from the position of mere spectators or users.*
*After the event, Eben Moglen interacted with the audience and clarified their queries. While answering the questions about the significance of free software Eben Moglen emphasized that profit is not the only human tendency. There are also other tendencies like sharing and collaboration that helped human beings to emerge as a society. The tendency to help is one of the basic natures of human beings. There are a lot of instances in everyday life where we help someone without expecting anything. Free software helps us to make a better society.*
sreejith g.s wrote:
On my blog (in http://www.digitalcitizen.info/2007/12/30/ogg-theoravorbis-as-default-for-vi... if you'd care to read the discussion) I point out that the example and suggestion of using those free codecs and container format were removed from an HTML5 draft despite not being requirements to fully comply with HTML5. The then-proposed language never required implementers to implement Ogg, Vorbis, or Theora but that language was removed on the excuse of making some corporate implementers unhappy and being perceived as required. Ian Hickson said at the time, "We want a spec that _everyone_ can implement.". I don't see how this will ever come to pass any more than it already has. So long as that is a requirement, no codecs dare be mentioned in any draft of any HTML spec.
This I'm interested in learning more about. Is there a recording of Moglen's talk I can hear?
I don't think it is quite that simple to get a lot of people into democratic media.
Thanks for the summary. If there's a recording, I'd really like to hear it. Perhaps someone could upload it to the Internet Archive at http://www.archive.org/ and post a link to their uploads here.