Hi GNU'rs
The Following is a tentative schedule, we can initially meetup and then, looking at the weather conditions, we can either go to Cubbon Park, and meet up at our usually place
Place :: Koshy's (St. Marks Road) Time :: About 4 PM, Date :: July 08, 2006
Is the above plans OK with all?
Thanks and Regards ------ Ramakrishna Reddy GPG Key ID:31FF0090 Fingerprint = 18D7 3FC1 784B B57F C08F 32B9 4496 B2A1 31FF 0090
--- Ramakrishna Reddy ramkrsna@gmail.com wrote:
Koshy's would be quite crowded and noisy on Saturday evening. Its better to find another place where we can discuss without resorting to shouting over the chatter.
Can you keep it on 14th if you dont mind. I have my exams going on currently ;)
On Friday 07 July 2006 03:10 PM, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
You're right, Arky! We didn't have a very good experience last time as well.
Lets meet up at our usual place at Cubbon park and have a discussion. How many of us are coming? I'll get a whiteboard as well so that we can use it for discussions and note-taking. Also if our number is not too large (say about 12 people), we can also meet up at our office. It'll not be a problem at all.
Here a loose agenda for today's meetup would be to volunteer to handle the responsibilities. Please do add to this if I've forgotton something:
* Conference promotion
* Fund raising (we already have some sponsors in Intel & FSF - Boston but would need more)
* Technical stuff (like forms on the website for registration, setup of a GNU/Linux machine for live video capture and steaming etc.)
* Sending out invitiations
* Preparing / procuring merchandise for the event (kurtas, CDs etc.)
I think Arun will also join us over the phone.
So - shall we meet up at 4:30 PM at Cubbon Park?
Cheers, Abhas.
Hi All,
On 7/8/06, Abhas Abhinav abhas@deeproot.co.in wrote:
I think Arun will also join us over the phone.
So - shall we meet up at 4:30 PM at Cubbon Park?
Keep the list posted with the decisions and MOM. I am in Chennai till Monday night. So would not be able to join you guys.
On 07/08/2006 11:17 AM, Abhas Abhinav cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Apart from Kurtas, it'd be great if we could get some GPLv3 T-shirts printed. I have the official artwork of the GPLv3 T-shirts with me. Is it possible?
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org The GNU Project http://www.gnu.org/
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
On Saturday 08 July 2006 01:02 PM, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
I'm sure it should be possible. Can you send across some of the artwork off-list? We could put-up some of it on the conference web site. And also use it elsewhere - posters, letters, stickers etc.
On 07/08/2006 01:12 PM, Abhas Abhinav cobbled together some glyphs to say:
The artwork can be downloaded from here -- http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~ghoseb/gplv3art.tar.gz The tarball contains the original GPLv3 T-Shirt artwork in SVG format. A preview of the T-Shirts can be seen here -- http://www.gnu.org/gear/gplv3-tshirt.html If we can print those T-Shirts here, it'd be great for us. We can publicise GPLv3 and also raise some funds. Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org The GNU Project http://www.gnu.org/
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
Hi List,
Perhaps we can have an IRC meet-up so that people who are not based in Bangalore can contribute ideas and help us plan this conference.
Hi Arky,
On 7/9/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com wrote:
What about sometime during the week. Say wednesday Night sometime?