Hi all,
St. Joseph has agreed to hold the session on Free Software in the college. Here is the title and agenda.
Free Software and students' contribution to it
1. What is free software? 2. How to use free software? 3. St. Joseph's PG Library and its software need 4. How to start working on library management software.
Time: On Saturday 05 July, 2008 at 2pm. Place: Xavier hall, St. Joseph college(intersection of Lalbagh road and Langford road).
Please let me know if anyone can join.
Thanks, -balaji
On Thursday 03 July 2008 01:38:22 pm Balaji Kutty wrote:
I will come :)
2008/7/3 Kushal Das kushaldas@gmail.com:
- Praveen
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:38 PM, Balaji Kutty balaji.kutty@gmail.com wrote:
neat beginning.