---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Vimal Joseph vimaljoseph@gmail.com Date: 2008/7/4 Subject: [School-GNU-Linux] OpenOffice Circular To: ilug-tvm@googlegroups.com, schoolgnu@freelists.org
Hi all,
Here is an interesting circular issued by Department of IT on using 'Open Office' Software .
<quote> All the Heads of Departments are requested not to put up proposal for purchase of any Office Suite software in future. We are enclosing a 'Open Office' CD and department can further copies as per requirement as it is free to use license software. </quote>
~vimal --
-- Free Software, Free Society സ്വതന്ത്ര സോഫ്റ്റ്വെയര്, സ്വതന്ത്ര സമൂഹം http://fsfs.hipatia.net
but is it from a authenticated resource or ???
where this information is available
2008/7/4 Praveen A pravi.a@gmail.com:
2008/7/4 Anivar Aravind anivar.aravind@gmail.com:
I'm attaching a case study done by Prof. Rajanish Dass of IIM A on the Espousal of ODF by the Dept. of IT, Delhi. The previous circular can be found on pages 18 and 19 of this document.
"IT Department" is a bit ambigous/misleading. It is a circular relevant to the ghorement of National Capital Territory. Good news nevertheless!
Praveen A pravi.a@gmail.com wrote:
But the date in the doument read- 30-11-2005
2008/7/4 Sajith T S sajith@gmail.com: