Hi GNU heads,
Its been a while since we had a GNUs Grazing sesion. Lets graze at Cubbon Park this Saturday 3pm. Sign up and show up !! http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Bangalore/GNUs_Grazing/28June2008
Cheers Praveen
2008/6/24 renuka prasad renukaprasadb@gmail.com:
i confirm i am joining
I have updated the wiki with minutes http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Bangalore/GNUs_Grazing/28June2008
Those who are interested to join the coming week meeting please confirm at the earliest .
Also we need few more from industry so that during discussions especially about LABS that are given have to be addressed with free softwares .
Also those who are interested to give your ideas about the alternatives please go thru the syllabus given here
currently only look into the BE-CSE , BE-ISE and MCA
lets start discussing on these -- tomorrow i will update about MCA syllabus can anybody go thru BE-CSE and BE-ISE
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 12:21 AM, Praveen A pravi.a@gmail.com wrote:
2008/6/29 renuka prasad renukaprasadb@gmail.com:
I have converted it to wiki format for easy modifications. (in open office use export and select MediaWiki .txt) http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Syllabus_Review/VTU/BE
Only issue I saw was about center alignment :-(
Cheers Praveen
Coooooool -- that fine praveen
here is mca syllabus
from 3rd to 5th semester
praveen u have mentioned only as CSE ( computer science engineering ) ok
can some one just look into ISE her is the link for that