--- Prabhat Sandheliya wrote:
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 15:30:47 +0530 From: "Prabhat Sandheliya" < To: Subject: [Fsf-friends] Ankit Fadia : The real picture
Dear All,
Yesterday (03-04-2006)I attended a seminar by a so-called "Hacking Guru" Ankit Fadia, at DAVV, Indore (MP) auditorium. I just want to share my feelings with you.
The Seminar was a complete failure, though it was attended by about well over 100 people, but was a complete disaster.
The very first thing by which I was offended badly was using the sacred word "Hacking" to demonstrate something we, the hackers, call cracking. The seminar topic was "Ethical Hacking", now I want to ask Mr Fadia, what is unethical about hacking ? Hacking is very positive word and there in no need to put "Ethical" before it. By the way his seminar topic should be "Ethical Cracking".
If you really want to become a hacker, please read an article by a real hacker, Eric Steven Raymond (ESR). The man who changed the history by writing a paper "Cathedral and Bazaar". please read the article here :<
The people who can not differentiate between hacking and cracking, should read an article by the GOD of hackers Richad M Stallman (RMS), the man who started GNU movement all by himself. The gcc (compiler), gdb (debugger), emacs (editor) are some of the most popular softwares in the world written by him. Please read the article here :
The things Fadia demonstrated were ancient techniques used by crackers to break into some one's machine. Now a days even 10 year olds can download these tools from Internet to control others' machines. Can we call them hackers ?? If he calls it hacking, I doubt if he understands the term even "Cracking", leave hacking altogether. This childish behavior is called script kiddie.
IP spoofing, SQL Injection, password cracking softwares, Trojan horse programs, these are the tools of cyber criminals. So I wonder what is the significance of the term "Ethical" here ??
In the entire session I kept waiting for some program or utility, written by himself. But I don't thing he had something like this to share with audience. The entire session was demonstration of third party utilities, and the saddest thing was no mention of the name of any author of any utility. He didn't care to give some credits to the utility developers. What a shame !!!
Mr Fadia, I real hacker always respect the creativity of others, and before using their work proper credits are given, this is the hacker's attitude. It's not like that, you download something from Internet, use it and forget the person, who made it. That's pretty mean.
Second most annoying thing was that he calls himself a "hacker" and was using a Windows XP operating system ????
I have been in to computers for the past 10 years and I never come across any real hacker who uses Windows. I met Brian(Apache creator), Andy Cleen, Alon cox, Rusty (all networking gods), RMS (the GOD himself) but all of them were using some or other form of Unix or Linux.
Come on, MR Fadia, Windows is the worst OS in the world, full of security holes, so what is the point to break into a Windows machine ???? What do you want to prove ????
He only once mentioned Linux, just to tell how you can use it's live CD to boot a Windows machine and cracke the password.
Actually, before attending the seminar, I Googled a lot about Fadia and his work. But what I could find was self acclaiming statement by Fadia about himself and his future and just crap, crap and crap by technology illiterate Indian news papers' reports.
I just want to share my findings with you.
Vulnerabilities patches by Fadia = 0 (He may know how to break in, but doesn't know how to fix up) Bugtraq id's by Fadia = 0 Hacking / Security tool by fadia = 0 (He simply Goolge and download the tools from Internet, that's not cracking. Actual cracker
is the programmer, but Fadia never ever gives due credits. Now that's not hacking, that's
stealing) Any open source software by Fadia = 0 (He is afraid of suggesting Linux to people, 'coz it's secure) Any Linux or Windows software security patch = 0 Any recommendation or recognition by Real Hacker Community = 0 (They laugh at him. He is just a kid) Software / Cryptography patents by Fadia = 0 Algorithms by Fadia = 0 Any official citation by FBI/CIA/CBI for Fadia = 0 (They don't even bother about any explanation) Any confirmation of his self-claims = 0 (Nobody, expect him knows, if they are real) Any confirmation of him decrypting Osama's message = 0 (Hahahahahahahaha) Any original technical tutorial or book by Fadia = 0 (He simply copy the things and never he never ever gives due credits to the
original authors.) Any originality in his tutes or books = 0 (Hahahahahahaha) Skill level of Fadia = Only God knows !!!
I tried to read a few books by him, but to my wonder some part of his books are nothing but simple "copy and paste" material from well known sites for Windows registry editing. Please visit and compare the material with his first book. Oh God ! this is the clear violation of intellectual property rights of the website. Please inform the webmaster. I have done it already.
I was astonished by the course he came to promote here, "Ethical hacker certified by Ankit Fadia" ! He sill is child in hacking field, and he is giving the certificates for hacking ????? And worst thing, Reliance web world is promoting it. What a shame !!! Have all gone mad ? Can't they see ?
Unfortunately, question and answer round was cut from the seminar, that's also because of Fadia arrived there one hour late. Well, that's India's celebrity style statement. Otherwise, I would have asked all these questions to him there only.
Anyways, I went to him at the end of the seminar, and asked if Windows is so vulnerable, can he suggest audience to use Linux rather than Windows. And the reply came was straight "NO". What a shame ???
I understood the reason, why he said no. The reason is same why Microsoft does not patch up it's OS. Plain economics. If you make system secure with Linux who is going to ask for people like Fadia, so called "security expert" ???
I want to make an appeal to all of you, please make all of your friends aware of these facts. Let one should not get undeserved advantage. I also want to appeal news papers, please do not make a hero out of nothing. Stop polluting the honest media by prejudiced reports.
And at the end I want to tell Mr Fadia, that I don't have any personal problem with you or your achievements, but please behave properly in hacking community. We hackers are very positive people we never ever try to harm anybody, until he comes to our or our philosophy's way. Please stop calling your self a hacker, if does not understand the hacker culture.
And for god sake, stop behaving like a child, now you are in college, so GROW UP !!!
PS : I am sending this mail to Mr Fadia, Reliance web world, most of Linux mailing lists and all of my friends. Please post your comments at
--- Prabhat Sandheliya wrote: ,---- | so-called "Hacking Guru" `----
It takes a seminar to realize the 'truth' of Ankit Fadia? ;)
,---- | In the entire session I kept waiting for some program or utility, | written by himself. But I don't thing he had something like this to | share with audience. The entire session was demonstration of third | party utilities, and the saddest thing was no mention of the name of | any author of any utility. `----
The thing is, he got there first in the india-context and hence a great deal of hype.
--- Suraj wrote:
Yes, This kid ran a site that had a lot of tips on old Windows Registry tips which was fun in old days. He hasn't grown-up ever since . His first book had topic that dealt with 'Bypassing Windows Screen-saver passwords' and his second book had long C code that helps you to find IP address of your friend using AOL/Yahoo Messenger. Well, this isn't stuff any serious system's admin ever reads nor the stuff that is suitable for security consultants.
One of the employee of Dlink told me the ruckus this kid created for them when they sort his 'skills' for them. He later gave them some hot air advice in airport lobby and charged them a bomb without even stepping into their campus.
I wish this guy stops using the phrase 'hacking'. Its out-right insult for the true hacker community.
howdy guys,
thank you for starting this topic.As you know the same seminar was held at BMS college on tuesday this week! thanks for breaking the silence since a lot of guys here know that im from bms and unfortunately a lot do also know that he was in bmsce.
this was just his publicity stunt. since he's running out of book material!(ie: since he cant find anymore stuff to strip off!) he decided to pull a certification program and this is sort of a campaign for it.
anyways let me get to some juice... a week back my hod told me that he was coming and i exclaimed back that he was a big joke!...a lamer...and that the first book was nothing but a rip off from GTMHH! but since we did'nt invite him and he invited himself with a fancy letter we had to have him down.
whatever said...i was not keen on his arrival. on the day of the seminar, tuesday, i am asked to start with the introduction speech for the seminar...damn!..i was seriously hoping to escape but being prez of the cse dept thats not right is, it?
so we are sitting in the room back stage and ankit arrives...he sat down switches on his laptop, and goes through his stuff. a reliance guy hands him the mobile internet kit and begins to try and connect online since he needs it for his seminar. im jus watching.
problem begins. ankit is unable to configure the net conn. he calls up someone again from reliance... let me talk about the conversation here. its one way but you here the man speaking which is essential enough for us!
"im unable to connect to the net"
"uh huh...ok... where is that...control panel?"
"wait a sec...let me reach there"
"ok now do i have to double click this?"
i had to excuse myself out... way too much to handle.... i needed a smoke and a laugh....
ultimately he was 30 min late... due to the complex, intricate problems with connecting to the world wide web and the crowd was getting frantic, and jittery
as one of you already pointed out- no code. none.
some of the essential demos you missed are!: * using proxy's! (better kick yourself now) * using! * forge an email (everyone got busy taking down notes for the telnet cmd) * using netbus (wow!)
i have no problems with the guy. my issue with him is simple- if he tells me he is a business man i ll shake his hand. congratulate him in fact for realizing such an obvious market which no one struck before. but if he tells me he is a hacker then thats crossing some line.
cheerio guys
nirmal thacker (yeah thats my surname!)
ps: for all you frustrated real hackers i have a treat for you!... utsav is an inter-collegiate festival held in bmsce which most of you must have heard of. this time however im handling a hacking event, which has never been held before (at least at bmsce)!... it will consist of 3 rounds. a written round, followed by an info gathering round and the last level which will test your real skill!(im not gonna tell you that am i?). you will work on a linux distro and you can use any tool you wish. come on fellas... lets do some real stuff...hoping to see you guys there!
On 4/5/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
--- Nirmal Thacker wrote:
Hey Nirmal, none of us didn't knew about this event by the Grandmaster of the House of Ethical Hackers. Chaa' I missed great a chance of hearing his holiness.
Its seems the hype around this guy started with the news FBI or CIA approaching him to decrypt a graphic image found an Al Quida terrorist's laptop.[1]
Well, There are many basic flaw's in this story.
First, if any national or international clandestine organization is vetting you for a job, no one including yourself will know it.
And say they gave some classified material to work on they won't let you have it just like that and let the world know that you are working or worked on it.
Ok fine let's assume this guy got this job., we only have his word that he successful broke the encryption. The FBI/CIA is not gonna tell us whether this guy broke it or not. Isn't it.
Next time someone gives a talk in BMS, I'll request them to explain the difference between a hacker, cracker and script-kidddy
Nirmal Thacker ji, I didn't understand what meant when you invited the __frustrated__ hackers.
[1] Story published in a national weekly magzine and a computer magzine based in India.
evening people
@arky- actually a lot of real hackers(the ones defined by eric raymond) do get really frustrated when they hear about mr.fadia, so this was a just a treat coming up for them to cool them down!
regards, nirmal thacker
On 4/6/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
--- Nirmal Thacker wrote:
Its quite sad that kids like Fadia need a reality-check, often discussing such individuals on public forums and list un-wittingly give undue attention to their achievements. That's the reason I never spoke against the guy and his 'Ethical Hacker Certification program' that's is given in so called computer training institutes. There even a hacker college in Hyderabad I guess, thought of checking it out personally on my next visit to the city.
But this guy is inviting himself to colleges and blowing his trumpet about 'hacking' that's is big no-no. And he even charging students for hearing to his block-headed discourse. This guy needs a through dusting in public. Just keep us updated if he turns up in Bangalore again.