The solution to the problem of flexibility lies in free and open source software. India has already adopted open source approaches in administrative systems and education projects. This represents a good policy foundation on which to build a national eHealth system. It could, for a start, leverage the strengths of the large open source software community. The outcome would be a common electronic health platform covering clinical and administrative functions for government as well as private institutions, with full interoperability. What is more, the open source nature of the project is bound to attract software companies and communities of programmers to come up with innovative health applications.
-- Any responsible politician should be encouraging a home grown Free Software industry because it creates the basis for future jobs. Learning Windows is like learning to eat every meal at McDonalds.
Would the people on this list be able to pinpoint the various governmental organisations/departments that have a) taken upon themselves a mandate to use FOSS, and b) are successfully using FOSS? Links to press releases / newspaper articles about such use would also be useful. If such a list already exists, could someone point me towards that?
Regards, Pranesh
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 19:56, Anivar Aravind wrote:
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Pranesh Prakash wrote:
There is no such specific list. But It would be good if someone can volunteering to collect it in FSUG-Bangalore wiki