Dear All,
Can you present on technical topics on GNU/Linux.
IEEE blr is interested in working with free software community .
We are planning to meet the IEEE folks at 3.30 p.m Thursday for a very prelimnary discussion to see how to take things forward.
good news --- i confirm that i will join this meeting , regarding technical talks -- i could not handle that until and unless i know what is that is suppose to be done and for whom -- lets c ------------- to my understanding i feel what ieee chapters usually do is to have an industry interaction cells at IISC ( IIIT) or some other place and would invite experts from industry and academics to deliver a talk....
otherwise may be they might involve in some conferences
Whatever i think this is a good news for Free softwares because we can even request ieee to have a separate track ---( awareness track ) where it is so important in the current situation to educate / create awareness about free softwares being used either in the day to day life or in the industry or for any other purpose
Lets hope some this best will come out
Thanks for those who had involved directly and indirectly in getting touch with the regional incharge of ieee....
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) <> wrote:
Hi Senthil,
2008/6/30 Senthil Sundaram (sensunda)
Can you present on technical topics on GNU/Linux.
Sure. What topics could we cover?
I think I too could make myself available.
updating the minutes of the meeting with Mr M.M Babu Narayan ,additional Director( R &D ) , Principal Co-ordinator (APDRP), Central Power research institutue ( a govt of india society, ministry of power )
Senthil, Viram, Dr V.... from St Joseph( sorry forgot name again ) and me along with one of the student of St Josephs met at CPRT near IISC today as we had a appointment with Nr Babu narayan regarding deleviring talks to ieee members or engineers from free softwares user groups community
ieee's Professional chapter is concerned with conducting tutorials for an half a day or a day for ieee members or engineers one some of the latest technologies frequetly...
Senthil was contacted regarding this as he had mailed iee and acm regarding having a free softwares being promoted through ieee or acm
now reply had come from ieee
-------------- currently by tomorow morning a list of spekers and the topics have to be proposed where the speaker has to do the tutorial about some of the latest technologies -----
----- i am a bit still confused about the topics that have to given to that person
is it something like
----------- kernel programming ----------- device drivers development ----------- animation technologies ------------ service oriented architechtures ------------ erp technologies ? ------------ security related ------ etc etc not restricted to the list mentioned
anyways if any of you know some one who can conduct a tutorail course or you yourself can conduct please update - the tutorial has to be conducted within this month
idea is ieee wants to conduct a professional tutorial class and for that is speakers are from ieee they have no issues and they are happy
On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Vikram Vincent wrote:
Hi, I am Baiju, a Python & Zope programmer working here in Bangalore. I would like to present about Python and if there is interest I can handle Zope also.
Python is a rapidly growing general purpose programming language. Learning Python would be really useful for anyone interested in programming. For more details, see
Regards, Baiju M
Hi, I can handle sessions on 'Localisation of Free Software'. Focus on the why? what? how?