Hi all, I attended the RMS talk at Christ college... in the talk the part "Free Software in Education", I think was concise and simple to understand for anybody... I'm thinking about making a youtube video to distribute links of... We can send to various colleges and VTU etc. after editing and adding textual details.
If anybody has a copy of the tape made there can you upload it to some place.?
Hello Shashi,
2008/12/16 Shashi connect2shashi@gmail.com:
I attended the RMS talk at Christ college... in the talk the part "Free Software in Education", I think was concise and simple to
We will be uploading both the videos soon.
We will be uploading both the videos soon.
Try to upload in the ogg format :)
Sujith H
Thank you
On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 6:49 PM, sujith h sujith.h@gmail.com wrote:
2008/12/16 sujith h sujith.h@gmail.com:
We will be uploading both the videos soon.
Try to upload in the ogg format :)
blip.tv supports videos in ogg format (theora+vorbis)
Hi, I am trying to covert the .dat file to ogg/theora, etc.. What tool does that? ffmpeg2theora seems to support only .avi ... Do I have to first convert the .dat file to .avi? Vikram
Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com wrote:
.dat and .avi are container formats -- they hold together audio and video tracks, subtitles, synchronisation information, metadata etc, which are encoded using, umm, whatever codecs. This isn't obvious from file extensions, but you can find the actual coding used in the audio/video streams from mplayer output when you play video. So if your .dat contains evil proprietary encoded a/v streams you are likely to need evil proprietary decoders also.
In theory (in my theory at least!) if you can playback your stuff you should also be able to convert to theora using ffmpeg2theora or just ffmpeg, assuimg libtheora etc are present. However, I'm not sure codecs in the Windows dll bundle (stuff that are likely present in /usr/lib/codecs) can do this bit of magic.
Could you tell what went wrong when you tried conversion?
2008/12/26 Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com:
use mencoder
its in debian-multimedia.org repository
- Praveen
We will be uploading both the videos soon. Try to upload in the ogg format :)
I am absolutely new to this.
0) whats the best recorder which I can interface to a laptop I can buy..if the main intent is to record songs people sing..and at times with minimal music..whats the cost
1) whats the software - audacity - how much of editing etc be done - can somebody help me out on this - we can attempt a recording sometime in the weekend