RMS will be in Bangalore from 15th morning till 21st. Though no
program is fixed, he needs a place to stay. You can arrange any
programs for him during this period. He is coming primarily to India
to visit Dharamshaala for the AirJaldi Summit. He is using the ticket
that was originally booked for GPLv3 conference via London, and the
organizers at Airjaldi agreed to pay for the ticket. It will be
useful if people at Bangalore find this opportunity to do something
useful for the movement. Please check with IIIT, IISc, NIAS, NCBS
(TIFR), Mahiti, IIM, and other resources to organize events. Please
see if talks can be organized in and around Bangalore. He may not
mind going to Hyderabad, Kiran can you make use of this opportunity?
May be in some other town in AP.
If we arrive at a program as soon as possible, it will be good.