This is very good streaming software,
3. Legal concerns
3.1. May I use the VideoLAN logo?
You may freely use the VideoLAN logo using the following copyright:
Copyright (c) 1996-2003 VideoLAN. This logo or a modified version may
be used or modified by anyone to refer to the VideoLAN project or any
product developed by the VideoLAN team, but does not indicate
endorsement by the project.
3.2. May I redistribute a piece of VideoLAN software?
You may distribute an original or modified version of a piece of
VideoLAN software as long as you comply with its license terms. It is
the GNU General Public License Version 2 (referred herein as GPL), and
it is in the file named COPYING in our products. The easiest way to
conform to the GPL is to accompany the product you want to distribute
with its sources. For example, if you plan to distribute the lastest
binary version of VLC, you should also include all the files listed on
the [32]VLC source code page. You do not need to bother explaining
where the sources are, but the sources have to share the same media as
the products. There are other ways to comply with the GPL, but this
should be the simplest because it does not rely on a contract.
Note: You do not need to ask the VideoLAN team the permission to do
more... in =====>
----- Original Message -----
From: "Baishampayan Ghose"
To: "Free Software Users Group - Bangalore"
Subject: Re: [FSUG-Bangalore] MOM of Cubbon Park Meet
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 19:36:54 +0530
Hash: SHA1
On 07/12/2006 05:54 PM, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati cobbled together some
glyphs to say:
One of the pre-requisites of the streaming setup is
that only Free Software based streaming soultions
(codecs/streaming server etc) should be used. Most of
the media people in Bangalore still use proprietary
system. Abhas of Deeproot have agreed to setup the
streaming server and it was discussed that we could
seek help from some others too.
And it may not be possible to stream every talk/panel
discussion, then we can just record the session with
the help of IIMB video team and place all videos on
publicly access web server.
Streaming is not necessary. Indians rarely watch live streams and the
people in the West would be asleep when the event in BLR will be going
on. It'll suffice if we just record at least the talks by RMS and Prof.
Moglen and provide the video (in Theora), the audio (in Vorbis) and
transcripts (in text/plain). I volunteer to take care of these things if
somebody else is not available.
Baishampayan Ghose
The GNU Project
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