Hi all
i was trying to understand a bit about network intrusion prevention systems ,
i want to know --if any one on the list who has some experience in setting up honey pots and other related topics like how to keep pur system compromised so that others will try to exploit --!! etc etc kind of topics
practically how to go about
with regards
renuka prasad
hi every bodyOne of my friends -need an opinion on hard drive imaging software- norton ghost?currently he backs up files-mainly billing, schedule etc on an external maxtor hard drive it is a windows xp business system, the software is called medisoft is the imaging software the better way to go?
*any bright suggestions* * * *thanx* * * *Kochery c shibu*
2009/5/19 renuka prasad renukaprasadb@gmail.com
http://clonezilla.org/ is a good option.