HI all
happy to announce that DSERT and other government bodies have decided to do a training program (GNU/Linux training program for the faculty of all District Institutes of Education and Training(DIET) in Karnataka .) on GNU /LInux
continuing from the pilot project that FSUG-Bangalore was recently involved
by the way this time also like in the previous case many organization are involved in the training program
i request your support for this program, either as trainers or as volunteers
the dates are : october 5th to 8th 2009
venue is : Sarva Siksha Abhiyana office , Nrupatunga road , Bangalore
good new is that there is a nominal remuneration for the trainers and volunteers
this training program is of greater importance as we will be training the master trainers who will later training the teachers also it is very important in another way that is convincing government that the free software community is capable and make difference.
kindly reply about your availability on the above mentioned days in however form you are willing
the topics that will be covered is more of hand holding tasks and introducing few educational packages, office suit , internet concepts , creating documents in local languages etc etc
exact schedule will be uploaded soon.
2009/9/29 vinay ವಿನಯ್ vinay@itforchange.net
On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 9:18 PM, renuka prasad renukaprasadb@gmail.comwrote:
Ok, but I haven't volunteered before. Anyway no issue.
2009/10/1 Mallikarjun mallik.v.arjun@gmail.com
ok no issues please come
topics will be handlholding tasks and then few exercises on Office suit, little bit of DTP, etcetc