Dear Arun,
We had a discussion in fsug meeting on the minstry meeting in bangalore . What are the orgnaisations involved. What are the plans.
Can representatives from our team join which will help the intrests of free software in karnataka.
thanks senthil
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) wrote:
IT4Change & FSFIndia is Organising this. We are trying to get appointment on 12th.
Will update on the list soon
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) wrote:
do you mean from FSUG or some other team?
2008/11/30 Nagarjuna G.
Since many of us from Karnataka are involved in the Movement and from different banners it would not be appropriate to call ourselves FSUG. A collective banner representing the Movement in Karnataka will be worked out.
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.comwrote:
All these days you were on the list and may be a year and a half ago you came to our college on behalf of FSUG-Bangalore, infact you told many students to join the list where an awareness program was already done by Mr krishnakant Mane ,Mumbai prior to Praveen, Sajith, Shyam, Yourself came representing the FSUG, ofcourse you gave a talk about localization..( and dont say that you represented i remember very well you told to use that for some tranlsation
any ways i assumed that you were part of FSUG , Now using the FSUG mailing list you are telling that it is not appropriate to call that you are not part of FSUG -bangalore ...hmmmi dont know what are you thinking
A collective banner representing the Movement in Karnataka will be worked out.
It is left to each individual what to do and what not to do --- no comments
2008/11/30 renuka prasad
I never said I was not a part of FSUG Bangalore. Read the relevant portions in The Movement is spreading to the rest of Karnataka and FSUG had nothing to do with that.
dont say that you represented i remember very well you told to use that for some tranlsation
Why are you worried whether or not I can represent Swatantra.Org and the scope of Swatantra.Org?
Read my reply above.
The partipating banners will decide that.
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.comwrote:
i cant give a proof --leave it now yo uare only telling na - so issue The Movement is spreading to the rest of Karnataka and FSUG
Time will give the answer
I am not worried about any one's representation ... i mentioned what you mentioned during the event happened
What for me? whether you do of any kind of concern how will that matter If it is related to FSUG and FSM only i can be worried otherwise not
Ya very much clear
Your wish , your commitment -- take care
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.comwrote:
Movement is spreading to the rest of Karnataka and FSUG had nothing to do with that.
FSUG has many things and every thing to do with the Free Software movement is what i believe.
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 9:46 PM, Vikram Vincent wrote:
It is already spreading to rest of Karnataka. FSUG-Bangalore have only very little role in it. We can hope many user groups will evolve in various parts of the state. RMS's first time visit outside bangalore will aslo strengthen it. Please remember you were criticizng about RMS visit to Mysore & Tumkur on another thread.
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Vikram Vincent wrote:
What is your problem with Free software user group bangalore? You were an active volunteer of FSUG for past 2+ years. You were the contact person in a lot of FSUG Press releases. And you represented FSUG in a lot of College seminars. You were Organising a FSUG's Joint Programme with Christ & RV college (RMS Programmes in Christ). so what is the issue now that makes you to say the above quote? Is it some critiques on FSUG's work? or is it some ideological differences? Please Clarify? I Believe FSUG is still open for anybody to point their issues. It is the way online collectives work
Also I believe Movement for Free Software in Karnataka was a temporary banner setup to address the campaign against VTU-M$ Curriculum tieup . It was came up suddenly as a out put of gnus grazing (i couldn't able to participate in it, and there was no discussion on the list about timings or venue to ensure participation of all) . As we supporting any Free Software cause we all supported it and participated in it. But I have serious critique on making it as a permanent banner. Movement in Karnataka need to be created by various users groups and Organisations works on gass root. They can come together on issues affecting Free Software community. But If some one starts to differentiate himself from a group and starting to represent as a leader of an appex group, It really shows the problem. This will not lead us anywhere
Anivar, Read the relevant portions in It was the Karnataka team who first had a session on Free Software at SSIT Tumkur. SJCE Mysore has been around for quite some time. The Karnataka team has been taking free software to remote areas and various under privileged groups all over the State and coordinating with many organisations working on the field.
2008/11/30 Anivar Aravind
Why are you bringing in unrelated issues? When did I say I am not a part of FSUG-Bangalore. Bangalore NOT EQUAL TO Karnataka. The Movement is evolving and FSUG-bangalore is not. Please read where FSF-I claims to be undemocratic and that FSUG-Bangalore is an off-shoot of FSF-I.
Anivar, who are you to dictate what we should or should not do in Karnataka?
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 10:34 PM, Vikram Vincent
It was the Karnataka team who first had a session on Free Software at SSIT Tumkur.
good job -- i saw that report
Now the event is in SIT , TUMKUR ( Siddaganga Institute of Technology ) -- just thought if correcting if you are thinking that it is SSIT ( which is another college )
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Vikram Vincent wrote:
Anivar, who are you to dictate what we should or should not do in Karnataka?
I think this guy is slightly out of mind. Can he be kept under moderation in the best interest of the group till he gets normal?
2008/11/30 Vikram Vincent
Vikram, with such blanket statements all over the lists, what exactly are you trying to prove? Is there some issue which can be fixed?
2008/11/30 Vikram Vincent
Anivar, who are you to dictate what we should or should not do in Karnataka?
Vikram, It is news to me that, you are becoming a Raj Thakre. Best of luck with your Kannada Nav Nirmaan Sena.
"Since many of us from Karnataka are involved in the Movement and from different banners it would not be appropriate to call ourselves FSUG." - Vikram, earlier in this thread.
Are you ashamed of FSUG because people like me, Anivar, Parthan, Aanjhan, Justin ... are part of it?
I want to say much more, but ... I have seen much more Kannadigas, like Marathis, Hindus, Muslims... only a tiny minority promotes division over unity.
- Praveen
Praveen A wrote:
Am sorry, but I couldn't resist - +1
Well what has Karnataka or Maharashtra or Tamil Nadu to do with Free Software User Group? IMVHO, Free Software Movement is Universal and where ever you are, who ever you are, if you are a Free Software Enthusiast then you are a member of Free Software Movement. Regionalism is the best knife to kill this movement and you have taken it in your hands.
Are you ashamed of FSUG because people like me, Anivar, Parthan, Aanjhan, Justin ... are part of it?
A small fact to get into the records, I am Half-Kannadiga as in my father tongue is Kannada and I know to Read, Write, Speak Kannada (may be not good as Renuka Prasad or Vincent Vikram or any other 100% Kannadiga). My father was born in a village called T.Narsipur in Mysore district and my grandfather hails from Heggadadevankote (near to Hunsur/Nagarhole National Park). ;)
Hey Praveen,
2008/12/3 Praveen A
2008/11/30 Vikram Vincent
Anivar, who are you to dictate what we should or should not do in Karnataka?
Glad to know that your sense of humour has not reduced. My statement was refering to a couple of things and none of them are anywhere close to either your or Parthan's observations. I shall clarify it at an appropriate time as I have been requested not to flame the list ;) But considering the fact that you know me quite well I am sure that you *will* know that none of what you wrote is anywhere close to the truth. Get back to India soon. With warm wishes, Vikram Vincent
Hi all,
I have been observing the email bombs thrown on each other. It will be nice to read emails if it is a healthy debate. If there are issues to be resolved, please send mails to individuals directly.
I humbly request you not to flood every one's inbox. This will create a bad impression among the new volunteers joining the email alias.
I hope you understand.
Thanks for cooperation Balaji
On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:07 PM, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.comwrote:
Balaji, Thanks for the good message.
On 12/3/08, Balaji Kutty wrote:
This is unfair..i did tell all of you..if u couldn't particpate how can I help...and the issue itself was urgent..minutes were put up..timings were put up in the poster page..parth participated..renuka participated..we had discussed this over phone..the event itself was planned in 2 week notice..considering the nature of the issue....this will not help...the exact point couldn't be put up till we got confirmed police light of the blasts..whenever u were part of a event..we didn't go overboard..there were sometimes bad things..but in the interests of the movement we kept quiet..this is quite distrubing..we being pointed out every single time..we do something here...whats our mistake..we wanted to "SAY NO to M$-VTU" tie up...i will be seeking fsf-I guidance on the banner of activites in blr separately...there are other events which happened in joint banner in blr..the "no software patent" meeting for yourself said..the minstry meeting are not 'fsug'....
On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) wrote:
Senthil what are you talking about? I feel very happy about the protest and groups joined in it. We did the protest and it was great. The concern raised above is not about that. it is just about vikram's statements which carried a false notion "the temporary banner against M$ VTU Tie up campaign" is a Permanent apex body. I dont have any issue with our protest
It is not under a single banner as recent M$ VTU campaign. A collective of 19 civil society organisations together organised it . I dont have any issues with it. Please read my mail properly
you yourself said..the minstry meeting are not 'fsug'....
Please dont put your words on my mouth. I only said IT4Change & FSF India are organizing it. Still we have to get confirmation