While preparing the conference press release I realized that its the fourth conference in the GPLv3 release process worldwide, So won't it be a good idea to call it 'The Fourth International GPLv3 Conference'.
--arky PS: Sorry, I didn't have this idea while the discussion for conference title was in progress.
On 7/11/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com wrote:
Its pretty good. I guess more discussions can happen online on the #gnu-india channel on irc.freenode.net, for suggestions from other participants.
2006/7/11, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com:
The Last conference title was http://fsfeurope.org/projects/gplv3/europe-gplv3-conference The 3rd International GPLv3 Conference: Barcelona, June 22nd & 23rd 2006So we can call it (just for symmetry fourth -> 4th). Nature loves symmetry :-) The 4th International GPLv3 Conference: Bangalore, July 23rd & 24th 2006Cheers Praveen
2006/7/11, प्रवीण् ए (Praveen A) pravi.a@gmail.com:
The 4th International GPLv3 Conference: Bangalore, July 23rd & 24th 2006
OOps! It should be August. The 4th International GPLv3 Conference: Bangalore, August 23rd & 24th 2006