Hi all,
Could someone post the "Minutes of the Meet" that happened on Saturday 8th July 2006 at Cubbon Park? So that people who could not make it are well informed.
Hello, Brief summary of "GPLv3 conference preparation meeting". Meeting was at Deeproot Linux office. Attended by Abhas, Praveen, Philip, Dinesh, Issac, Thejesh, Vikram and One person whose name I can't remember(sorry). Arun M. joined us on the speaker phone.
- Travel arrangements, accommodation-Thej, Infy - Invitations. - Media Coverage, press release. - Opening a bank account for conference purpose. Must elect a President and treasurer for this purpose(necessity). - Open lecture by RMS on 22nd. venue information necessary-Vikram, Dinesh. - Video clip on introduction to FSF must be prepared for presentations with prospective sponsors. - Call for paper presentations on second day-Dinesh. - Live questions to conference over dedicated IRC channel. - Call for volunteers. - Break up of labour(must be chalked out). - technical back up-Thej, Praveen A - Campaign material, merchandise, etc..
Please do fill up the missing points. Regards Vincent
Lots of issue still left unaddressed.
1. Website - any takers ? 2. Press release - Arky is expected to send this to us today. 3. List of invitees - is there any one to help ? 4. Bank account - immediate. 5. Sponsorship - nothing will work with out this, a sad reality.
AB promissed to get some people from his company to help us in conference. Abhas please followup on this ?
regards, arun.
Brief summary of "GPLv3 conference preparation meeting".
On 10/07/06, Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
We need to have a "Meet the press" program pronto else event will become exclusive instead of inclusive. Press club of Bangalore is an ideal location for this and cost between Rs.700-!000/ only.
4. Bank account - immediate.
Two or three people need to take charge for this. Nominees please.
5. Sponsorship - nothing will work with out this, a sad reality.
Have we a list of companies we can contact? If yes, then with an appeal letter from the President/Secretary of the Preparation committee we can approach them in a team. Question: Do we have a formal conference organising group in Bangalore? If no, then we need to get one immediately. Regards Vincent Brief summary of "GPLv3 conference preparation meeting". Meeting was at Deeproot Linux office. Attended by Abhas, Praveen, Philip, Dinesh, Issac, Thejesh, Vikram and One person whose name I can't remember(sorry). Arun M. joined us on the speaker phone.
Hi Arun!
On Monday 10 July 2006 12:47 PM, Arun M wrote:
Praveen and Thejesh will take care of the web site as also any other technical requirements.
Arky - can you send a draft to the list? Dinesh and Thejesh also volunteered to help freeze the draft so that we can start using it asap.
Here is how we can step through this:
0. Freeze on the program so that it can be included in the press release. At least we should know the major topics of discussion. Once we have this we will also know whom to invite for which session.
1. Get the press release ready. The same can also be used to prepare a PDF note that can be used to invite people over email or postage invitations. This will be very important to invite people.
2. Identify foreign invitees so that we can ask IIMB to issue letters to them separately.
3. Based on the above, we can draw up a list of organisations / individuals who we need to formally invite.
There were two offers in the meeting:
1. Thejesh volunteered to ask Mahendra (who works with him at Infosys) to see if they would be interested in sponsorship. If there is some interest from them, then I can get involved in this and follow it up.
2. Praveen also said that he will contact HP and see if they are interested in the sponsorship.
If none of these work out, then we can approach others as well. I personally don't have contacts here. If anyone will be kind enough to point out potential sponsors, Shivanand (my colleague) and I will be glad to call / meet people to get sponsorship for the event.
Meanwhile, we'll get back to you on the Travel Agent status by today. Shivanand will email you separately once we get a confirmation from the Travel Agent.
Regards, Abhas.
On 07/10/2006 01:31 PM, Abhas Abhinav cobbled together some glyphs to say: [snip] There is one thing which I thought about reminding you, we must have some sort of Video recording facility in the conference. It will be a shame if we don't record the talks by RMS & Prof. Eben Moglen. All other GPLv3 Conferences have provided videos, we should too. If there is already some arrangements for this, please ignore what I just said.
Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org The GNU Project http://www.gnu.org/
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
On 7/10/06, Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org wrote:
Yeah, Video and Audio recording Streaming of the conference is important, I remember the organisers of last years World Information City conference had done it, I guess the Center for Film and Drama, had done it. Jace was streaming the event. "Arky" any contacts at the CFD would help.
--- Ramakrishna Reddy ramkrsna@gmail.com wrote:
One of the pre-requisites of the streaming setup is that only Free Software based streaming soultions (codecs/streaming server etc) should be used. Most of the media people in Bangalore still use proprietary system. Abhas of Deeproot have agreed to setup the streaming server and it was discussed that we could seek help from some others too.
And it may not be possible to stream every talk/panel discussion, then we can just record the session with the help of IIMB video team and place all videos on publicly access web server.
On 07/12/2006 05:54 PM, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati cobbled together some glyphs to say:
Streaming is not necessary. Indians rarely watch live streams and the people in the West would be asleep when the event in BLR will be going on. It'll suffice if we just record at least the talks by RMS and Prof. Moglen and provide the video (in Theora), the audio (in Vorbis) and transcripts (in text/plain). I volunteer to take care of these things if somebody else is not available. Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org The GNU Project http://www.gnu.org/
1024D/86361B74 BB2C E244 15AD 05C5 523A 90E7 4249 3494 8636 1B74
Hello Abhas, Wanted to know if the invitations are ready, to invite the heads of a few major education institutions. With regard to the open session on 22nd, Senate Hall at Central college costs Rs.3000/ for half a day. It is at the centre of town, near Mysore Bank circle. Maybe we could request either Christ college or St. Joseph's college to help us out and an invitation in hand would be useful. Regards Vincent
On 13/07/06, Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com wrote:
And Dinesh, what about Ashirwad? Can we use that place?
Maybe we could request either Christ college or St. Joseph's college to help
Hi All,
Praveen/Thejesh please update the site and mention that event is being organised by FSF India and IIMB. We need to put a link to registration form once Anurag finishes his work.
Press release is final lets send that out once registration form is ready
Freezed but site is not updated. I will fix that.
1. Get the press release ready. The same can also be used to prepare a
PDF note that can be used to invite people over email or postage invitations. This will be very important to invite people.
I will send a my list of name which can be extended. We need an invitation letter Arky can you help in that also ? We need to design letter head also. Do we have designers ?
3. Based on the above, we can draw up a list of organisations /
Good, Abhas please follow up with Asoke on Intel sponsorship. We will have to give a letter to them. I will write to Venky for support from RedHat.
What about Yahoo ?
regards arun.
On 7/12/06, Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Hi, I've updated the site, I am not sure how the change the menu. We can freeze the program. No need to mention that it is tentative.
http://www.gnu.org.in/ also needs to be updated.
-- Sajith.
--- Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Oops, sorry I forgot about that.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bangalore to Host the Fourth International Conference on GPLv3
India will host the Fourth International GPLv3 Conference in Bangalore, this August 23-24, 2006. A part of the world-wide drive to create awareness about the upcoming version three of the GNU General Public License (GPLv3), the two-day conference is expected to draw delegates from across the communities - legal, bureaucrat and academia. While the first day will see Richard M Stallman and Eben Moglen, the original architects of the GPLv3 license, communicating latest updates on the GPLv3 final draft, the second day holds panel discussions on localisation, awareness and adoption of GPLv3 and threat of Digital Restrictions Management (DRM).
The event - to be held at the Indian Institute of Management - Bangalore - is a sequence to the Third International GPLv3 Conference that took place in Barcelona, Spain. Similar events have already been held in the USA and Brazil. The international GPLv3 conferences are part of a year-long public consultation process to update the GNU General Public License (GPL).
The version 3 of the GPL, essentially, takes into account changes in terms of legal and technical environment, in which software licenses operate, and the need to increase protection against new threats such as software patents and Digital Restrictions Management (DRM). The worldwide awareness drive for GPLv3, is to ensure that, all users of software distributed under its terms, have the freedom to examine, share, and modify that software.
For Details, kindly contact: -------
Contact numbers: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Sometime on Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 09:19:28AM +0530, Arun M said:
The registration form is ready: http://gnowledge.org/~anurag/gplv3/ Please test it out and bring any problems to my notice immediately. Also, can someone suggest some text to be put as ``Privacy Policy''?
I've talked to Abhas about the setting up a database on the conference server. It should be ready in sometime.
The registration form is ready: http://gnowledge.org/~anurag/gplv3/
Lets not worry abt Privacy policy.
I think form is fine, we should get it up on the main site as quickly as possible.
regards arun.
--- Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Lots of issue still left unaddressed.
(a) T-Shirts
This time there was an idea of issue short kurtha's instead of T-shirts with GPLv3/FSF logo. I have passed around the request for the price information from the one or two suppliers here in Bangalore.
(b) Conference folders (Jute handicrafts)
We have given out jute handbags in the last year's FSFS conference, there are couple of cottage business (home-made) that can supply these in Bangalore.
(c) Stickers
This can be done with any printer. If anyone have sticker designs in SVG format please forward them.
I'll post all the contacts/suppliers I know in next two days. It would be great if someone takes the responsibility of budgeting and procurement of these material.
I will be donw with my exams this week and will be free for the next one month.
I can love to help you out with the invitations, technical help etc. I have some journalist friends. Will ask if a detailed writeup before the conference is possible.
Hi Anush,
--- Anush Shetty itsanushshetty@gmail.com wrote:
A press release for the conference is prepared and sent to FSF-WG for review. It is expected to be released later today (Tuesday July 11th), perhaps you can pass it around to your friends in press and also to other mailing-lists across the country.
Sometime on Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 10:38:00AM +0530, Arun M said:
I've made the initial script working here on sunday. http://gnowledge.org/~anurag/gplv3/ It should get usable by tonight.