Hello All, We last met at the Deeproot office and took several decisions. Before tomorrow's meeting I hope that we can prepare to review the status of our various efforts. 1. With regard to conference bank account-funds are required for day-to-day conference preparation. 2. Travel and boarding/logding arrangements. 3. Open session with RMS on the 22nd of August. Venue, cost, etc... 4. Media coverage- very important!!! But no sign of it in any form of media except online. 5. Volunteers. 6. Event publicity. 7. Call for paper presentations. 8. Sending out invitations. Are the finalised invitations/press notes ready on the Conference letterhead? 9. We need a contact person for international registrations for visa, etc... 10. Technical aspects-Audio/video streaming, dedicated IRC channel, etc... 11. campaign material-posters, handbills, merchandise for sale, etc... 12. Sponsors. 13. Delegate pack with relevant materials such as transcripts of speakers' presentations, promotional CD/s, notepads, pen,etc... 14. Others/etc... Hope that we can discuss/review these points.
On 28/07/06, Arun M arun@gnu.org.in wrote:
Won't RMS be coming in advance? Since the seating capacity at IIM is limited, necessity of an open session either before or after the conference is essential. Hoping that we can make it possible.
We can ask some companies/individuals to sponsor these instead of cash. Just a thought.
Hello All Well, Praveen, Aanjhan and myself met up at Cubbon Park today. Should say that we could not take up the 13+points on the list as planned as we spent all our time just waiting for anyone/everyone to come. But, we did chat about few aspects: 1. That it would be good if we could have some sort of an open session on the 22nd with RMS taking the lead. Arky (over the phone), however, pointed out that RMS may have a tight itinerary and hence may not be able to make it to an open session and suggested that we could contact the CSI and schedule some sort of a road show. A point to think about was that though the scope of the conference were limited to a certain section of people could we not use it to expand the network of the free software group? 2. Aanjhan volunteered to take care of the IRC moderation with Praveen's help. 3. What should the parameters of the Event publicity be? This is very important cause people are not going to let us waltz into any institution to simply talk about free software or anything. 4. What kind of publicity material can we expect to distribute? Poster? Handbills??? 5. Finances. Most of the running around for the conference cannot be on personal amounts so what is the alternative? 6. We will be having a meeting of all potential volunteers in the first week of August, delegate responsibilities to them, assign sub-committee in-charges and overall in-charges. This will help in effective functioning and prevent swamping of any few individuals. Regards Vincent
Well a few additions which I would like to put up and bring to your notice are:
1. About the tees. The artwork has been posted by B.Ghose on July 8th on this mailing list. But for your refernce am reposting the links. http://www.gnu.org/gear/gplv3-tshirt.html http://people.ubuntu-in.org/~ghoseb/gplv3art.tar.gz
Planning to order some. Can someone give me a approximate number that should be ordered. Also sponsorship for the tees needs to be taken care of.
2. Accomadation for the guests. Are they looked into by someone? If not I can volunteer to do that part.
3. Do we really need a Open Session. Since the RMS schedule is tight I dont think it would be feasible (just my opinion)
Cheers. Aanjhan ---------------------------------- a.k.a Tuxmaniac Locations: #ubuntu-in, #linux-india, #gnu-india @irc.freenode.net CyberHome: http://www.tuxmaniac.com ----------------------------------
Hi, --- Aanjhan R aanjhan@gmail.com wrote:
It was suggested that we'll have short kurtha's instead of T-shirts this time. Abhas is already procuring these. Check with him off the list for further details.
On 07/30/2006 11:19 AM, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati cobbled together some glyphs to say:
I understand that Kurtas have a distinctive Indian appeal, but how usable are they? Can one wear a Kurta to all places where you can wear a T'Shirt? Moreover, I am doubtful how good the GPLv3 artwork (or any art-work for that matter) will look on a Kurta. Personally I have never seen any Kurta with T-Shirt like artwork. IMHO artwork and Kurtas don't gel properly. Regards, BG
- -- Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose@gnu.org The GNU Project http://www.gnu.org/
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