I have an Windoze using relative who's experiencing all the symptoms his OS is famous for; mysterious hangings, spyware, viruses etc.
I tried to sell him the idea of Linux, showed him my laptop running Sabayon. With Firefox, KOffice and VLC he was more than convinced, until we took a look at Pidgin.
He has a daughter who lives in the UK, whom he chats with daily via Gtalk, so this is a very vital application. He uses audio conferencing. She also shares photos with via Gtalk's file transfer.
My question is - how can I do audio conferencing on Pidgin? - how can I transfer files between Gtalk and Pidgin, since most people use Gtalk? - is there any other client i can use to over come this problem?
I use skype for the same, but I don't think it supports video conferencing. Audio conferencing is available though. And you can share files as well.
2008/5/21 Arun Thomas imamal@gmail.com:
i have used ekiga -- works very well for audio PC-2PC calls
it takes 6 MB for 10 mins -- so i think this is a best deal ---- create an account in ekiga and follow instruction -- text / audio and video i have not tried since i did not had a cam -- but it works that is for sure --- i have seen people using it
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Akshay Sasikumar < akshay.sasikumar@gmail.com> wrote:
2008/5/21 renuka prasad renukaprasadb@gmail.com:
We used ekiga for video conferencing with Fedora Project Leader during fossmeet @ NITC. ekiga can be used to talk to gatalk users also.
Cheers Praveen
Praveen A wrote:
see http://groups.google.com/group/ilug-tvm/msg/1dff32f108c47095 for how to use ekiga
Hi Arun,
Read this article: http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/how_to_make_jabber_calls_using_j...
I use Jabbin ( under Ubuntu ) for voice chat using the Gtalk account. I also see an option for file sharing in Jabbin ( haven't tested it though ).
- Arpit