Here is the details of the "LDTP Workshop" in SJCE College in Mysore this sunday March 26.
It would be great if you can join us in Mysore and help us make this event a success.
LDTP Workshop in SJCE Mysore. Sunday, March 26 2006
Keynote Lecture "FOSS and College Projects" Thejesh GN http://www.techmag.biz
Duration: 25 minutes + QA 10 minutes
Linux Desktop Testing Project (LDTP) Workshop By Saravana Prabhu of LDTP Developer Team http://ldtp.freedesktop.org/wiki/
1. Basic testing 2. Testing as a career 3. Open vs Closed Source Testing 4. Linux Desktop Testing Project (1.5 hours) * Overview * Architecture * Demo
Duration: 3:00 Hours
Hi Arky, I hope this will be a great event. Unfortunately I'm missing this :( I'm sure that, I will try to make it for the next event conducted by FSUG Bangalore.
Thanks Nagappan
Rakesh 'arky' Ambati wrote:
Hi arky Have the finer details been finalized? Looking forward to it. Regards Vincent
--- Vikram Vincent vincentvikram@gmail.com wrote:
The program will be starting 10:00 on Sunday morning at SJCE Campus.
The travel options are to catch at train at 6:30 from majestic Railway station if everyone can make it on time or else we can head up to the Kempagoda bus station to catch a bus to mysore.
At the moments we are looking for a set Fedora (FC4) CD pack if someone has it, please kindly bring is along.
There has been suggestions in the past of documenting lectures on video, so anyone has handycam can record the lecture. It will help us distribute the knowledge further more.
Good night
Hi all I will conducting a tutorial at NIE, Mysore on 25th, Saturday. I think I can drop in for the talk / workshop at SJCE. Thanks for the Schedule.
On 3/23/06, Rakesh 'arky' Ambati rakesh_ambati@yahoo.com wrote:
-- Ramakrishna Reddy GPG Key ID:31FF0090 Fingerprint = 18D7 3FC1 784B B57F C08F 32B9 4496 B2A1 31FF 0090
--- Ramakrishna Reddy ramkrsna@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Ramakrishna,
Nice to hear that, if you can make it to the morning session starting at 10:00 then we can cook-up something for you too.
I'll send you email off-the-list giving you the cellular numbers on how to reach us there.
Travel Update -------------
We are leaving to Mysore tomorrow (Sunday March 26) morning at 6:00AM from Kempagowda Bus station. If you are planning to join us please do contact me off-the-list or just show up in SJCE Campus in Mysore.
The "LDTP Workshop" in SJCE will begin at 10:00 (+-30min) in the morning.