we are upto something in blr.
its part time activity and in the initial stages..however we are passionate about it and hope it will workout well..
your participation and comments on what we should be doing will be useful.
visit : http://slumdweller.wikispaces.com/ http://slumdweller.wikispaces.com/ to get an idea of whats it all about.
the challenges for folks in the foss community is at multiple levels a) creating curriculum - which is community owned b) designing coures - specific to the slum needs - getting students certifications - which helps them get jobs.
regards Senthil
That is a great idea. But since I'm myself studying MCA and also woking full-time as a Java EE developer, I'd not be able to give Face to Face training. But would love to help in any way I can through internet. I even have a spare computer with 256 Meg Ram and 2 GHz CPU. Would love to donate it if someone is in need of it. Xubuntu/even Ubuntu without much load would run smoothly on this system.
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) < sensunda@cisco.com> wrote:
Hi Chandru,
Nice to see your interest. We will try to avail your help in designing the course curriculum. Please reserver your space PC for us. Currently, there is one PC we are struggling to bring it up. If we are unable to make it, we will take your PC.
Thanks for helping hands, balaji
On Tue, Feb 26, 2008 at 10:54 PM, Chandru chandru.in@gmail.com wrote: