Good Morning, Friends!
Forwarding an email that came up on the FSF Europe mailing list. The transcript makes excellent reading. Plus there is also a streaming video available - links are provided in the URL below.
Additionally, have a look at:
On similar lines, I suggest that we have a page on our wiki that details and minutes all that we do towards the forthcoming GPLv3 event in August. I'll try to create the page today and fill it in with all the activities that have happened. Others can then put in requests, TODOs and more details...
Cheers, Abhas.
----- Forwarded message from Ciaran O'Riordan -----
From: Ciaran O'Riordan To: Subject: Transcript of Richard's GPLv3 presentation and Q&A from Torino, March 18th Date: 30 Mar 2006 15:30:24 +0100 User-Agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.4 X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.1 required=4.0 Sender:
I've made and put online a transcript of RMS's presentation and Q&A session from the recent GPLv3 event: "The Future of Free Software" March 18th, Turin, Italy:
1. First, a note on "intellectual property" 2. On to the GPLv3 3. About "or any later version" and transitioning between versions 4. Software patents: explicit patent grants 5. The four freedoms of Free Software 6. Digital Restrictions Management: how it was tackled without restricting usage or modification 7. DRM and laws about effective restriction measures 8. Licence compatibility 9. Compatibility with Affero - addressing web services, if you want 10. Compatibility with two kinds of patent retaliation 11. The draft GPLv3 does contain a very limited patent retaliation clause 12. Requirements for notifying users of the licence terms 13. Question 1: What about Linux? 14. Question 2: About dynamic linking and languages 15. Question 3a: What if someone thinks the spirit has been changed? 16. Question 3b: Can writing Free Software beat DRM or is lobbying needed? (Stallman's answer discusses democracy) 17. Question 4: Who is involved in the process? 18. Question 5: Why is there not a team running it instead of you, and who will run it next time? 19. Question 6: What ideas for GPLv3 were rejected?
And I've added a link to it on the GPLv3 wiki page for such texts:
2006/3/31, Abhas Abhinav
It is a good idea. I read the transcript and it is very interesting and clears up many issues. Lets keep going.
Regards Praveen
-- "Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history. `Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn." -- Richard Stallman Me scribbles at