Dear Friends, This is Jhinuk Chowdhury from Times of India. I am doing a story on Freesoftware Freedom Day. So please send across to me whatever details you have w.r.t the FSD in your respective cities by tomorrow morning, as the story is to be filed in by tomorrow evening. TOI has a wide reach and it will do a great deal in helping us spread the message of free software... am also planning to add a small box item on the difference betn OSS and FOSS in my story..howeven if I don't get the details by tomorrow mrng, am afraid the story will not be carried and we will lose out on a big as a FOSS supporter i request all of you to kindly send me the details of FSD asap.. Jhinuk 9886761382
Hi Jhinuk,
Jhinuk Cchowdhury wrote:
Surely you know more than I know - that Software Freedom Day is on September 10, and that AFAIK we (FSUG Bangalore) celebrated SFD in the usual manner. By doing nothing, that is ;-) The following URLs should help in case you haven't visited them yet. But you have done that already, haven't you?
I celebrated SFD by basically lying on my back, reading a book...
Regards, Sajith.
sajith I think your inputs are interesting...u mean to say bangalore did nothing on the SFD? i need details..why dint bangalore do anything on that day? and what do you think of the SFD thing as a whole? Is it serving its purpose? how do you see india performing vis a vis world w.r.t SFD ?
On 9/13/05, Sajith T S wrote:
Jhinuk Cchowdhury wrote:
Jhinuk, I was saying that FSUG Bangalore did not organize anything. As a group, we are still kind of a non-starter. Regarding SFD, I am not aware of any other group in Bangalore doing anything. Maybe Praveen can help you with this. Meanwhile, you could visit this page:
In Karnataka, only Bangalore appears to had an SFD team. But the link points to FSUG Bangalore's wiki page, the one Praveen had started :) But nothing materialized, I think not many of us had the energy or time to spare from our busy little lives.
Why no one in Bangalore cared enough is a question that I am asking myself. The reason most definitely isn't the absence of enthusiastic folks. I think the reason could be cultural. Most of us are not in touch with the grassroots, thanks to busy work life and, shall I say, bourgeoise lifestyle and such. Or that the Free Software fans here prefer to do our bit in other ways - like, in terms of technical contributions.
Incidentally, Kerala appears to had the largest number of groups planning activities for SFD. I'm a Keralite, I am sure I would have participated in FSUG Kochi's celebrations had I been there - reason could be that I am more of a follower than a leader (at Kochi, there were folks to initiate things), or that culturally I am more comfortable there. Or maybe that I am plain lazy. I think that the latter is the more likely reason ;)
I was wondering about everyone else.
On 9/14/05, Sajith T S wrote:
Ya I tried to do something on SFD, but as Sajith said nothig materialised on *SFD* but we are still trying to do those things planned for SFD now. (We started very very late - just two weeks to organise and the last date for getting the materials -- CDs T Shirts etc from softwarefreedomday.orghttp://softwarefreedomday.orgwas July 1). Next year we will have a better SFD in Bngalore. Wiki, Mailing list (especially for this are in place already) (not just for SFD ) (FOSS Community India for advocacy -- especially for SFD)
The first step is a seminar at BMSCE (Basavanagudi). Ya we are going there this saturday. I just have to confirm the date with CS HOD. So I will let you all know after it is confirmed.
Anyone interested to come ?
Cheers Praveen A