IEEE, Blr is asking whether we can offer a one day session like this on gnu/linux
Here is a sample on system C : http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r10/bangalore/SC_tutorial.pdf http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r10/bangalore/SC_tutorial.pdf
On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 11:05 PM, Senthil Sundaram (sensunda) sensunda@cisco.com wrote:
Pramode sir has suggested a proposal towards this, sending the same to the list.
Topic ====== An introduction to GNU/Linux and Free Software for embedded systems ------------------------------------------------------------------- The GNU/Linux operating system and associated Free Software tools are becoming a powerful force in the embedded systems market. The highly portable architecture of the Linux kernel, combined with free availability of source code as well support of a large number of high-quality tools like the GNU tool-chain makes it easy for embedded systems vendors to build a rich software environment for their products at relatively low cost. Our seminar will provide a platform for software/hardware engineers to acquire some of the basic skills required to make the transition from proprietary/closed source operating systems to the dynamic world of GNU/Linux and Free Software.
==================== Pramode C.E http://pramode.net ====================